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    C: \ Development \ Management & Distribution \ AntiDuplicate 4.4.0 \ Author

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    AntiDuplicate 4.4.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: SDK for creation of copy protected software dongles from USB flash drives... (more)

    Author Info for AntiDuplicate 4.4.0

    Author/Company Name: Alkonost Software

    Country: Greece

    Web Site: http://www.alkonost.com/

    Programs listed: 3

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    Alkonost MaxFormat iconAlkonost MaxFormat 3.60   (Downloads: 360)
    Format floppy disks to maximum capacity, make bootable, copy diskettes. Alkonost MaxFormat enables you to format floppy disks to maximum capacity with maximum efficiency.
    MaxFormat can format floppies to the current standard formats for 3.5 inch disks of 1.4MB and 720K, 5.25 inch disks of 1.2MB and 360K, plus additional non-standard formats: 1.72MB and 1.68MB DMF (3.5 inch disks) and 1.5MB (5.25 inch disks). The DMF (1.68MB) format is often used for distribution floppies under Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT/2000.

    Alkonost ContraCopy iconAlkonost ContraCopy 3.30   (Downloads: 330)
    Software system, that creates key diskettes for copy protected software Alkonost ContraCopy is a professional software system, that can create diskettes for a copy protected software distribution. It is a tool for programmers for C, C++, VB.NET, Visual Basic, Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. Alkonost ContraCopy enables you to prepare key diskettes using an ordinary 1.44 MB floppy drive. ContraCopy diskettes contain unique information, that is readable only by your application. This
    means that every software protected via Alkonost C...

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