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FileTransfer 2.5 (Downloads: 253)
Java classes to cop, upload and download files. Includes classes to let you copy, download and upload files from within a Java program. Also contains a command-line utility to download files.
Fully commented Java source is provided. It is now comes in four parts, MiniFileTransfer, FileTransfer and MaxiFileTransfer, Download depending on how much functionality you require. Now supports copying members in local jar files.
Command line use:
java -jar download.jar http : //x...
JarLook 1.2 (Downloads: 291)
Check that class target versions are as expected in a Java jar. Check a Java jar to make sure all the javac -target versions of
the class files are what you expect.
Java application.
Requires Java version 1.5 or later.
All Java source code is included.
to use:
java -jar jarlook.jar jartotocheck.jar 1.1 1.4
where jartocheck.jar is the name of jar to check.
It will check all the class files in it.
In this example:
1.1 is the low...
Insult 1.9 (Downloads: 311)
Generates insults typical of those posted by Republicans in newsgroups. Generates insults typical of those posted by Republicans in
the alt.politics.bush newsgroup.
Java Applet that can also be run as an application.
You can run it without installing it at
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into
any directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
folder names) option. To run as an application,...
Encoding Recogniser 1.2 (Downloads: 187)
Help determine a file's encoding by displaying it wth all supported encodings. Encoding Recogniser will help you determine what encoding was
used to write a file by displaying the file in hex or and
decoded characters in any of the encodings supported by
This program runs under any OS,
(e.g. Win2K/XP/Vista/OSX/Linux/Solaris/Vista64/AIX...) so long as you have
Java version 1.5 or later installed.
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip (or similar unzip utility) into ...
Accumulate 1.3 (Downloads: 175)
Used to accumulate values by category. Used to accumulate values by category. It might be useful
for example in a billing program to accumulate hours by
various categories.
It could be used to count how many times various words
occurred in a document.
All you need is:
buckets.accumulate( "somecategory", someamount );
And Accumulate looks after creating the buckets to
accumulate new categories for you.
Converter 5.5 (Downloads: 378)
How to Interconvert any of the Java primitives. Conversion Amanuensis. Conversion teaching tool. Shows you how to convert any of the 17 basic Java types into any of the other. Conversion Amanuensis as your side whenever you need Java code to convert anything to anything else. Runs an as Applet or application.
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, available from
winzip.com (or similar unzip utility) into any
directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
folder names) option. To run ...
File Splitter 1.3 (Downloads: 287)
Split large text/html files into smaller files using embedded split commands. Split large text/html files into smaller files. I find it
much faster and more accurate than cut and paste.
You embed commands in the big file telling it which pieces
of it are to go where, then let Splitter do the work. It is
much faster and more accurate than trying to select huge
blocks of text in an editor. You don't accidentally lose or
duplicate text. Keeping files small makes the site more
ShellSort 1.4 (Downloads: 211)
ShellSort is a simple sort suitable for 2000 or less elements. ShellSort is a simple sort suitable for 2000 or less
elements. It sorts using a comparision routine you provide
to compare two elements to be sorted.
You can test it with:
java.exe com.mindprod.shellsort.TestShellSort...
BlOut 2.6 (Downloads: 350)
Blout removes extra or all blank lines from a file. Blout removes extra blank lines from a file, collapsing multiple blank
lines down to one, (or removing them altogether with the -compact option).
It also ensures the file has a final CrLf. It also trims any blank lines
off the beginning and end of the file. It also converts all line endings
to Windows standard CrLf form. It trims trailing tabs and spaces from
each line.
Blout is not that bright. It does not understand w...
Pluck 1.0 (Downloads: 186)
Scans multiple files looking for a REGEX pattern, and summarised what it finds. Scans multiple files looking for a REGEX pattern, and
summarised what it finds as a CSV file.
java -jar C:\com\mindprod\pluck\pluck.jar "\.[a-z]+\." E:\temp\temp.csv E:\somedir
adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.
The first parameter is the regex pattern. See regex in the java glossary
for how to compose them.
The next parameter is where the output in to go. use the
HunkIO 1.7 (Downloads: 228)
Java classes to readEntireFile, create a temp file etc. Java classes to include in your own programs. They let you read or write a file in one fell swoop into RAM. It also includes createTempFile method that is more convenient to use than Sun's File.createTempFile. It also includes PrintWriterPlus that converts linefeeds to platform specific line feeds even when they are embedded in data.
Why the three linked ball logo? It symbolises processing a file in line-sized chunks....
TimeZones 1.9 (Downloads: 200)
Displays all the TimeZone on your machine supported by Java Displays all the TimeZoneon your machine supported by
Java, with their standard time and daylight saving time
offsets from GMT, along with the their ID (programmer) names
and display names. It also displays UTC time, local time, and
your default TimeZone and whether daylight savings is
currently in effect....
BOOTSave 2.8 (Downloads: 251)
BootSave saves/restores the master boot sector BootSave saves/restores the master boot sector on the
hard disk. Suite of three utilities BootSave, BootRest and
BootChk. Protects against damage to the partition table or
boot sector done by rogue programs, viruses or accidents
with tools like Norton NU.
The BootSave suite will work under DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows
95/98/ME, OS/2, but not NT, Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7.
These OSes block low level disk I/O as...
QuickSort 1.6 (Downloads: 224)
QuickSort is an implementation of Tony Hoare's classic recursive Quicksort. QuickSort is an implementation of Tony Hoare's classic
QuickSort. QuickSort works by choosing a pivot point and
ensuring all elements below the pivot point are small all
above are big, (i.e. smaller than the pivot) Then it
recursively splites the upper and lower halves, repeating
the process. QuickSort is an internal sort written in Java.
Both RadixSort and HeapSort are quicker than QuickSort.
QuickSort can also take patholo...
JarCheck 1.4 (Downloads: 458)
Check that class target versions are as expected in a Java jar. Check a Java jar to make sure all the javac -target versions of
the class files are what you expect.
Java application.
Requires Java version 1.5 or later.
All Java source code is included.
to use:
java -jar jarcheck.jar jartotocheck.jar 1.1 1.7
where jartocheck.jar is the name of jar to check.
It will check all the class files in it.
In this example:
1.1 is the lo...
SiteMap 1.9 (Downloads: 301)
Prepare Spidering Sitemap for Google and other search engines. You use a sitemap to encourage Google or other search
engines to more frequently and efficiently index your
For overview information about Google sitemaps see:
For overview information about this utility see:
You use this sitemap utility because it is so quick you can
use it before every upload so that...
Borders 1.5 (Downloads: 201)
Displays a variety of decorative borders. Shows off what you can do with Swing. Displays a variety of decorative borders.
Shows off what you can do with Swing.
To run as an application, type:
java -jar C:\com\mindprod\borders\borders.jar
adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.
The picture frame icon represents the various decorative
borders you can put around your Swing panels....