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FileFilters 2.7 (Downloads: 397)
Colllecton of Java FilenameFilters. FilenameFilters you can use in your own Java programs with
File.list( FilenameFilter f ). They can also be used
standalone as fancy dir commands.
They come with Java source and include:
AllDirectoriesFilter gets all directories
AllFilesFilter gets all files
ClamFilter simple wildcard
DirListFilter gets a list of directories
EndsWithFilter gets files whose names end with a...
FontShowerAWT 2.9 (Downloads: 308)
Displays all the fonts available to AWT in Java. Displays all the fonts available to AWT in Java on your
machine. Displays the fonts in a variety of styles, sizes
and colours, rendered either with a Canvas or with a TextArea.
FontShowerAwt displays the fonts available on *your* machine
to *Java*. Other people will have different fonts installed
and will see different selections available to Java on
their machines. Your browser will see a slightly different
set of fo...
Rgrow 1.3 (Downloads: 192)
RGrow resizes fixed length records padding or chopping. RGrow resizes fixed length records e.g.
RGrow.exe MyFile.seq 500 600
will grow each record from 500 to 600 bytes by padding binary zeros.
Will also truncate records.
These are not the old and new sizes of the file, but of the fixed length records
in the file. If you increase the record size, each record will be padded
with nulls. The entire file will grow as a result.
This program may be freely copied and us...
ISBN 2.5 (Downloads: 310)
Tidies, interconverts and Validates ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 book numbers. Helps you proofread, interconvert, validate and tidy ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 (International Standard Book Number) references in your HTML or other documentation. It validates the checkdigit, inserts dashes, interconverts ISBN-10 and ISBN-13. It displays them both with and without dashes....
Spinner 1.1 (Downloads: 321)
DateSpinner, hex and formatted dollar input for Java JSpinner. Spinner consists of source for classes for a DateSpinner and to add hex and
formatted dollar input/output for Java JSpinner to your own
Java programs.
Spinner offers two NumberFormatter classes you can use with
a JSpinner. One is HexNumberFormatter which lets your
JSpinner range over hex values. The other is
DollarNumberFormatter which lets your JSpinner range over
dollar values. It works better than JSpinner.NumberEd...
TimeZones 1.9 (Downloads: 199)
Displays all the TimeZone on your machine supported by Java Displays all the TimeZoneon your machine supported by
Java, with their standard time and daylight saving time
offsets from GMT, along with the their ID (programmer) names
and display names. It also displays UTC time, local time, and
your default TimeZone and whether daylight savings is
currently in effect....
Untouch 2.4 (Downloads: 398)
Reverts files dates back if the files have not really changed. Documentation on the original student project outline
This explains how it works and some of its uses.
Untouch supports the following command line switches which appear
before the directories.
-c or -clear = clear history first and take current file times as the new revert-to point.
-f or -force = revert files back to previous dates whether they have changed or not.
-h or -help =...
Insult 1.9 (Downloads: 309)
Generates insults typical of those posted by Republicans in newsgroups. Generates insults typical of those posted by Republicans in
the alt.politics.bush newsgroup.
Java Applet that can also be run as an application.
You can run it without installing it at
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into
any directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
folder names) option. To run as an application,...
LEDataStream 1.8 (Downloads: 221)
Little-endian replacements for DataInputStream, DataOutputStream and RandomAcces Little-endian replacements for DataInputStream, DataOutputStream and RandomAccessFile. They work just like DataInputStream, DataOutputStream and RandomAccessFile except they work with little-endian binary data. Normally Java binary I/O is done with big-endian data, with the most significant byte of an integer or float first. Intel and Windows 95 tend to work with little endian data in native files. LEDataInputStream, LEDataOutputstream and LERandomAccessFile will le...
Sound 1.4 (Downloads: 230)
Create/synthesize sounds mathematically in Java. Sound lets you mathematically create sounds in Java.
You define your sounds in terms of 16-bit linear code for
the waveform, -- an array of samplings. The U_Law.class will
then convert that to (or from) *.AU mu-law 8-bit encoding
format which you can then play with
AudioPlayer.player.start(bis) in an application or with
Applet.getAudioClip in an Applet.
This is just a sample program. You would insert your own m...
Wavelength 1.3 (Downloads: 235)
Wavelength creates Color objects given the light wavelength or the frequency Wavelength creates Color objects given the wavelength or
the frequency of the light rather than the usual RGB or HSB.
instead of:
Color c = new Color(255, 0, 0);
use the frequency in nanometers, and gamma 0.0. .. 1.0.
(gamma is intensity/brightness.)
Color c = Wavelength.wvColor( 400.0f, 0.80f );
The visible range of the spectrum is 380..780 nanometers.
Smaller is bluer.
or using frequency in Terahe...
ShellSort 1.4 (Downloads: 208)
ShellSort is a simple sort suitable for 2000 or less elements. ShellSort is a simple sort suitable for 2000 or less
elements. It sorts using a comparision routine you provide
to compare two elements to be sorted.
You can test it with:
java.exe com.mindprod.shellsort.TestShellSort...
Biorhythms Calculator 2.7 (Downloads: 885)
Calculates and displays biorhythm graphs. Calculates and displays biorhythm graphs.
Enter your birthdate and this Applet and it will calculate
your biorhythms. It computes your 23-day physical, 28-day
emotional, 33-day intellectual and combined cycles. The
combined cycle is sometimes called the luck cycle. The
theory of biorhythms is when the cycles are positive/high
you will have high energy. When they are negative/low you
will have low energy. When they...
Accumulate 1.3 (Downloads: 175)
Used to accumulate values by category. Used to accumulate values by category. It might be useful
for example in a billing program to accumulate hours by
various categories.
It could be used to count how many times various words
occurred in a document.
All you need is:
buckets.accumulate( "somecategory", someamount );
And Accumulate looks after creating the buckets to
accumulate new categories for you.
SetClock 8.5 (Downloads: 834)
Set your PC Clock from an accurate atomic clock on the web. Set PC Clock from an accurate atomic clock on the web. You
can put in on your website so that others can use it to
correct their clocks without having to install software or
without you having to install software on your server.
Java Web Start signed.
Requires Java version 1.5 or later. Native code for Windows only.
Full Java source code included, and native C JNI code....
Tabin 5.3 (Downloads: 229)
Converts spaces to tabs in an ASCII text file. Converts spaces to tabs in an ASCII text file
TABIN.exe Myfile.txt
Assumes tab stops are 8 columns apart. Don't use it on word
processor files. C source included. Copyrighted by Canadian
Mind Products. May be freely distributed and used for any
purpose except military. It has been rewritten in C from
Pascal for extra speed. Users of previous versions should
take care to delete the old TABIN.COM...
HeapSort 1.7 (Downloads: 205)
HeapSort is an implementation of Williams and Floyd classic HeapSort. HeapSort is an implementation of Williams and Floyd's TopDown HeapSort.
HeapSort is a fast internal sort written in Java that uses a
sorting algorithm analogous to power struggles for higher
positions in a hierarchical bureaucracy. Source provided. It
is faster than QuickSort, but slower that RadixSort. It
sorts using a comparison routine you provide to compare two
elements to be sorted.
You can test it with: