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    C: \ Web Development \ Java & JavaScript \ InWords 4.6 \ Author

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    InWords 4.6 - Author Info Page

    Description: Java code to converts number to words in any of 24 languagues... (more)

    Author Info for InWords 4.6

    Author/Company Name: Canadian Mind Products

    Country: Canada

    Web Site: http://mindprod.com

    Programs listed: 86

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    Other listings by this author

    Dedup iconDedup 1.5   (Downloads: 209)
    Java command line utility to removes duplicate lines from text files. DeDup is a Java command-line utilty for removing duplicate
    lines in text files.

    The dedup process compares adjacent lines only. It does not
    sort first. The comparison is case sensitive. It removes
    adjacent indentical lines. It replaces the original file, so
    do a backup first. You can dedup 1 to N files in one
    execution, just put their names on the command line.

    DeDup deletes blank lines from both the beginning...

    SortedArrayList iconSortedArrayList 1.3   (Downloads: 200)
    Sort and Merge ArrayLists efficiently. This is a pair of library classes to include in your own
    code for manipulating ArrayLists.

    It consist of two classes: SortedArrayList and Merge.

    SortedArrayList is an ArrayList that remembers how it is
    sorted, so that if you ask it to sort, it can sometimes
    bypass the work when it is already in order. You declare the
    order you want and it keeps the list sorted, You just call
    sort whenever you need the list to ...

    Esper iconEsper 2.4   (Downloads: 269)
    A crude translator Esperanto To English and English to Esperanto. A crude translator Esperanto To English and English to
    Esperanto. It works by looking up words in various
    dictionaries on the web. It mindlessly translates word for

    (1) First download and install the lastest Java JRE

    (2) Using WinZip extract the
    files into the default com\mindprod\esper directory.

    (3) Create a shortcut setting by right clicking the
    desktop and selecting new shortcut.

    Compactor iconCompactor 3.4   (Downloads: 524)
    Compresses HTML by removing unnecessary white space. Compresses HTML by removing unnecessary white space.

    Compacts HTML so that web pages are 20% smaller and hence
    20% faster. It does this by removing all unnecessary white
    space. To fluff files up again, I suggest using SlickEdit
    beautify. The file will render on browsers exactly as they
    did before. Any [pre] sections are left intact. No comments
    are removed.


    CSV iconCSV 6.5   (Downloads: 960)
    Java to read, write, align, sort, reshape, pack... comma, tab-separated files. Java classes you can use standalone or embed in your own programs to
    Read, write, align, sort and pack comma, tab and semicolon-
    separated variable files, commonly known as CSV files.

    It consists of a 23 Java classes/utilities CSVReader, CSVWriter, CSVAlign, CSVChangeCase, CSVCondense, CSVDeDup, CSVDeDupField, CSVDeEntify, CSVDump, CSVEntify, CSVPack, CSVPatch, CSVReshape, CSVSort, CSVSortField, CSVTabToComma, CSVTemplate, CSVToHTML, CSVToS...

    File Splitter iconFile Splitter 1.3   (Downloads: 287)
    Split large text/html files into smaller files using embedded split commands. Split large text/html files into smaller files. I find it
    much faster and more accurate than cut and paste.

    You embed commands in the big file telling it which pieces
    of it are to go where, then let Splitter do the work. It is
    much faster and more accurate than trying to select huge
    blocks of text in an editor. You don't accidentally lose or
    duplicate text. Keeping files small makes the site more

    MimeCheck iconMimeCheck 4.5   (Downloads: 443)
    Check that a server is sending the correct mime type for any given URL. Check that a server is sending the correct mime type for any given URL.

    Helps you check that a server, possible not even yours, is properly configured....

    Bulk Emailer iconBulk Emailer 1.7   (Downloads: 256)
    The bulk emailer program sends the same email to many people. The bulk emailer program allows you to send the same email
    to a long list of people. Unlike competing products, it does
    not require you to run any code on your ISP's server.

    The price includes customising the program to your needs.

    For more detail see the manual at

    To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, available from
    winzip.com (or similar unzip utili...

    Honk iconHonk 1.5   (Downloads: 222)
    Plays one or more of the Standard Windows sounds or wav files. Plays one or more of the Standard Windows sounds, triggered
    purely from the command line.


    - Plays the default system sound.

    honk SystemStart SystemHand SystemQuestion
    - Plays the given list of standard system sounds (usually just one).
    - they are case-insensitive (you can get the case wrong and it will still work).

    Possible sound names are listed in the registry...

    Rgrow iconRgrow 1.3   (Downloads: 192)
    RGrow resizes fixed length records padding or chopping. RGrow resizes fixed length records e.g.
    RGrow.exe MyFile.seq 500 600
    will grow each record from 500 to 600 bytes by padding binary zeros.
    Will also truncate records.

    These are not the old and new sizes of the file, but of the fixed length records
    in the file. If you increase the record size, each record will be padded
    with nulls. The entire file will grow as a result.

    This program may be freely copied and us...

    FontShower iconFontShower 2.9   (Downloads: 475)
    Displays all the fonts available to Swing in Java. Displays all the fonts available to Java on your
    machine. Displays the fonts in a variety of styles, sizes
    and colours, rendered either with anti-aliased or plain.

    FontShower displays the fonts available on *your* machine
    to *Java*. Other people will have different fonts installed
    and will see different selections available via Java on
    their machines. Your browser will see a slightly different
    set of fonts than Java ...

    Unicode iconUnicode 1.8   (Downloads: 349)
    Used to test your computer's Unicode support Used to test your computer's Unicode support and your font's
    support for particular characters, or as a learning to to
    explore the Unicode character set. Displays in Courier,
    TimesRoman, Symbol, Dialog and Helvetica.

    copyright (c) 1996-2008 Nic Fulton nic.fulton@reuters.com of
    Reuters Ltd. Modified by Roedy Green
    of Canadian Mind Products with permission.

    To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, availa...

    Official Encoding iconOfficial Encoding 1.1   (Downloads: 159)
    Discover the official name of any given Java encoding. Official Encoding will tell you the official name of any given Java encoding and whether it is supported by Java. It will also display some of the characters available with that encoding.


    This program runs under any OS,
    (e.g. Win2K/XP/Vista/OSX/Linux/Solaris/Vista64/AIX...) so long as you have
    Java version 1.5 or later installed.


    Download source and compiled class files to run...

    Common11 iconCommon11 2.8   (Downloads: 352)
    common utility classes that work under Java 1.1+ common utility classes that work under Java 1.1 without using Arraylists or Swing.

    Class library.
    Requires Java version 1.1 or later.

    BigDate: simplified date handling when you want dates without times.
    CMPAboutBox: a proper about box that provides useful information.
    ImageInfo: information about a GIF, png, jpg.
    ImageViewer: component to display an image
    Limiter: cap, corral and h...

    Base64 iconBase64 1.9   (Downloads: 273)
    Java classes to encode/decode Base64 and Base64u Base64 is a freeware way of encoding 8-bit characters using
    only ASCII printable characters similar to UUENCODE.
    UUENCODE embeds a filename where BASE64 does not. You will
    see BASE64 used in encoding digital certificates, in
    encoding user:password string in an Authorization: header
    for HTTP. The spec is described in RFC 2045.

    Don't confuse Base64 with x-www-form-urlencoded which
    is handled by java.net.URLEncoder.encod...

    Pluck iconPluck 1.0   (Downloads: 186)
    Scans multiple files looking for a REGEX pattern, and summarised what it finds. Scans multiple files looking for a REGEX pattern, and
    summarised what it finds as a CSV file.

    java -jar C:\com\mindprod\pluck\pluck.jar "\.[a-z]+\." E:\temp\temp.csv E:\somedir

    adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.
    The first parameter is the regex pattern. See regex in the java glossary
    for how to compose them.

    The next parameter is where the output in to go. use the

    BOOTSave iconBOOTSave 2.8   (Downloads: 251)
    BootSave saves/restores the master boot sector BootSave saves/restores the master boot sector on the
    hard disk. Suite of three utilities BootSave, BootRest and
    BootChk. Protects against damage to the partition table or
    boot sector done by rogue programs, viruses or accidents
    with tools like Norton NU.

    The BootSave suite will work under DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows
    95/98/ME, OS/2, but not NT, Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7.
    These OSes block low level disk I/O as...

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