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    C: \ System Utilities \ Shell Tools \ Mihov DiskFree 2.4 \ Author

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    Mihov DiskFree 2.4 - Author Info Page

    Description: Show free disk space, info updated every second... (more)

    Author Info for Mihov DiskFree 2.4

    Author/Company Name: Miha Psenica

    Country: Slovenia

    Web Site: http://www.mihov.com/eng/

    Programs listed: 16

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    Mihov Picture Downloader iconMihov Picture Downloader 1.5   (Downloads: 348)
    The program downloads all the pictures from a web site instantly! Mihov Picture Downloader is a handy and useful tool for automatic batch downloading of all the pictures from one or several web pages. Just type in the starting address and let this program do the rest. One click and all the graphics will be transferred to your hard drive, without clicking on every link and viewing every thumbnail. You can also view the images as they are downloaded. The program searches for the link to the pictures and shows the found picture names...

    Mihov EXIF Renamer iconMihov EXIF Renamer 3.0   (Downloads: 299)
    Extracts the photo capture time and puts it into the image file name. Mihov EXIF Renamer is used to sort images from different cameras in the order they were taken. This is possible with use of the extra data that is stored in the photo's data. This information is extracted by the program and is added to the file name. This way the photos, even from different cameras and with different file names, get ordered by the time they were taken.
    If from some reason there is no capture time in the photo then the file creation time can be...

    Mihov Code View iconMihov Code View 1.11   (Downloads: 264)
    View text and source files really fast Mihov CodeView is a fast and easy-to-use program for quick browsing through text files, source code and HTML files. It is possible to copy and paste from clipboard, search for strings and print. The program supports drag & drop. Multilanguage support for English, Slovene, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Czech and Polish!!!...

    Mihov JPEGar iconMihov JPEGar 2.5   (Downloads: 291)
    A simple picture viewer for images in all most popular image formats. A simple viewer for images in JPEG, GIF, BMP, ICO, and PNG graphic formats. It uses an Explorer-like treeview control on the right-hand side of the viewing pane to navigate to the foldercontaining your images. Then, just click on a graphics file or use your arrow keys to display the picture. Features include drag-and-drop and command-line support, an adjustable slideshow function, zooming, and printing. The user interface can be displayed in English, German, Slovak ...

    Mihov Link Checker iconMihov Link Checker 0.5   (Downloads: 340)
    Tells you if the links on a web site are expired, not valid or otherwise corrupt Mihov Link Checker is a program that can check multiple links on a web site or a local web page. It reports the state of easch link: a link is valid or missing, forbidden or otherwise not accessible.
    All the links can be stored in a plain text file or the program can extract the links automatically from a local or internet page. Then each link is tested separately for HTML server response. The results are returned in a nice graphical way.
    The use of the ...

    Mihov Mail Sender iconMihov Mail Sender 0.8   (Downloads: 263)
    Send the same e-mail to more people and let them think they are the only one! Mihov Mail Sender sends the same e-mail message to more people from your address book - but it displays only their name as recipient, so they will think this mail is ment only for them. You can send message as text or HTML formatted e-mail and you can add your own attachments to the message. The message in HTML can be previewed in your browser. The message can be sent in different character sets. The program uses your normal SMTP mail server for sending messages and...

    Mihov Program No 14 iconMihov Program No 14 0.6   (Downloads: 261)
    Add custom text to each line of your document and save it for the web Mihov Program No 14 is used for transforming text files to hypertext files. This is useful when you have a text file containing URLs or web addresses. The program can add 'http:' or custom text to each line....

    Mihov ASCII Master iconMihov ASCII Master 2.0   (Downloads: 299)
    Show ASCII value of any key pressed in decimal or hex! Mihov ASCII Master is a simple but useful utility that shows you ASCII value of the key pressed - both in decimal and hex! Great for software developers!...

    Mihov Image Resizer iconMihov Image Resizer 1.2   (Downloads: 313)
    Resize, convert, and rotate images in jpg, gif and bmp with one click! Mihov Image Resizer is a handy tool for batch resizing images in bmp, gif, and jpg picture formats. You can make pictures or any kind of images smaller or bigger - whichever you need at the time.
    The second feature of the program is converting pictures between different graphic formats. You can change from Bitmap to JPEG or GIF, from JPEG to GIF or from GIF to JPEG. Again, this can be made in batch mode. That means that you will only have to select the images...

    Mihov Website Merger iconMihov Website Merger 0.5   (Downloads: 339)
    Mihov Website Merger is a program for merging parts of websites together. Mihov Website Merger is a program for web developers who need to be able to update big sites with ease. The program compiles parts of a web site together to a single set of files.

    For example, you have a set of pages that have the top part (header), main part, and lower part (footer). All you have to do is you slice your files to header, footer, and several centre files. When you need to change the footer of all files, you change it only once and run Mi...

    Mihov Info Saver iconMihov Info Saver 0.3   (Downloads: 261)
    Store your text info to your clipboard and access it even after restart. Protect yourself from the crashes! Mihov Info Saver enables you to 'enhance' clipboard to more one-line entries. By copying and pasting from clipboard you can save URLs, links, normal text or any information you want. The good thing is that this information will be available to you even after the system has been restarted or even after a crash!...

    Mihov Blank Screen iconMihov Blank Screen 1.5   (Downloads: 774)
    Use the program to set the brightness and test the quality of a monitor. Mihov Blank Screen shows black, green, gray, or white screen or a white-green animation. Use the program to set the brightness of your monitor and test the quality of a monitor (moire, blue and yellow regions, storms). Users can set their own colors to test. Version 1.5 can add a border to the color, so it's easier to test if the screen is aligned properly (useful for tablets)....

    Mihov NSIS Helper iconMihov NSIS Helper 3.3   (Downloads: 307)
    Mihov NSIS Helper is a program for creating of script files for Nullsoft NSIS. Mihov NSIS Helper is a program for graphical creating of script files for Nullsoft Install System. It helps with a simple GUI and can create very simple setup files. It is intended for beginners! Three versions can create standard or modern installations and are NSIS version dependent....

    Mihov Gallery Creator iconMihov Gallery Creator 0.9.2   (Downloads: 410)
    Create and upload image galleries with thumbnails! Do you have a lot of pictures that you would like to show to the world and you just don't know how? Mihov Gallery Creator creates nice HTML pages for your pictures and descriptions with a link to the previous and the next picture and an extra index file with links to all the pictures and thumbnails of the pictures. It also uploads the created files and the pictures! Now even with gallery preview!...

    Mihov Index Maker iconMihov Index Maker 1.50   (Downloads: 351)
    A program that creates a HTML file containing links to all files in the folder. Mihov Index Maker is a program that creates a HTML file containing links to all the files in a given directory. If the files are in HTML format it automaticaly inserts the TITLE caption in the link. Now with support for subfolders!...

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