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    C: \ Business \ Databases & Tools \ MS SQL Server Upload or Download Binary Data Softw 7.0 \ Author

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    MS SQL Server Upload or Download Binary Data Softw 7.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: Send or retrieve multiple binary (blob) files to/from a MS SQL Server field... (more)

    Author Info for MS SQL Server Upload or Download Binary Data Softw 7.0

    Author/Company Name: Sobolsoft

    Country: United States of America

    Web Site: http://www.sobolsoft.com/

    Programs listed: 155

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    Excel Cash Flow Template Software iconExcel Cash Flow Template Software 7.0   (Downloads: 289)
    Create weekly, monthly or yearly cash flow templates in MS Excel. This software offers a solution for users who need basic accounting templates for business or personal use. Choose yearly, monthly, or weekly periods to chart automatically against income and expense items. Custom income and expense items are automatically saved. This software will save you time by organizing visually pleasing custom accounting templates. Excel 2000 or higher required....

    BMP File Size Reduce Software iconBMP File Size Reduce Software 7.0   (Downloads: 334)
    Compress the file size of one or more bitmap files. This software offers a solution for users who want to reduce the file size of (bitmap) images. The user chooses the files or an entire folder to be processed. This can be a useful where there are file size limits on transfers or simply to save storage space....

    FoxPro Join Two Tables Software iconFoxPro Join Two Tables Software 7.0   (Downloads: 218)
    Horizontally merge two FoxPro tables into one by a common column (field) of data This software offers a solution for users who want to horizontally merge two FoxPro tables based on one common field (column) of data. The user chooses the DBC file or free table folder and selects the tables and common fields to be joined by before starting the process. A new table will be created with the data without changing the originals. Access 2000 or higher required for this FoxPro software....

    Save Multiple HTML Files As Text Files Software iconSave Multiple HTML Files As Text Files Software 7.0   (Downloads: 297)
    Save content of one or more HTML (or HTM) files as text file(s). This software offers a solution for users who want to save one or more HTML/HTM files as text files. The user simply chooses the required files or an entire folder before selecting an output folder. Using this time saving software, processing even large numbers of files takes just one click....

    Excel Export To Multiple XML Files Software iconExcel Export To Multiple XML Files Software 7.0   (Downloads: 249)
    Export a block of MS Excel cells to XML. This software offers a solution for users who want to create an XML file from the content of a block of MS Excel cells. There are features in the software to customize output: First row in the mouse selection is a header row, First column in the mouse selection is a header column, First row and column in the mouse selection are headers or There are no headers in the mouse selection. Excel 2000 or higher required....

    Paradox IBM DB2 Import, Export & Convert Software iconParadox IBM DB2 Import, Export & Convert Software 7.0   (Downloads: 256)
    Transfer tables to and from Paradox and IBM DB2 databases. Transfer tables to and from Paradox and IBM DB2 databases. Importing and exporting can be done without SQL knowledge. This program is designed for Paradox 5 databases. Higher versions of Paradox databases can be saved as 5 and used with this program....

    MS Access Split Fields Software iconMS Access Split Fields Software 7.0   (Downloads: 228)
    Divide one field (column) into two or more in MS Access. This software offers a solution for users who want to divide one field (column) into two or more in MS Access. By specifying a splitting character or characters, the software splits the field as many times as that character or characters appear. For instance, a field containing Peter Sobol will be split into Peter|Sobol (where | indicates a new field) if the specified splitting character is a space. By instantly altering multiple records, this software will save you...

    PostgreSQL Join Two Tables Software iconPostgreSQL Join Two Tables Software 7.0   (Downloads: 208)
    Horizontally merge two PostgreSQL tables into one. Horizontally merge two PostgreSQL tables into one by a common column (field) of data. The two tables are not changed, a new table is created with the results. Access 2000 or higher required....

    MySQL Join Two Tables Software iconMySQL Join Two Tables Software 7.0   (Downloads: 232)
    Horizontally merge two MySQL tables into one based on a common column. This software offers a solution for users who need to horizontally or vertically merge two MySQL tables into one. Simply login to both databases and choose a common column of data from two tables. The tables will not be changed: a new table is created with the results. The user friendly interface makes navigation an intuitive process. This software saves you time by automatically merging your data and by quickly repeating merges....

    MS Access Join Two Tables Software iconMS Access Join Two Tables Software 7.0   (Downloads: 254)
    Horizontally merge two MS Access tables into one by a common column (field). This software offers a solution for users who want to join MS Access tables horizontally or vertically. The horizontal joins occur by lining up two tables by a common column of data. In addition, vertical joins append two tables up and down as long as the tables are similar (data types and number of records are the same). The tables can be located in the same or different Access files. For your protection, the two tables are not changed. Instead an entirely new tabl...

    MS Access Editor Software iconMS Access Editor Software 7.0   (Downloads: 225)
    Make changes to data found within MS Access tables. This software offers a solution to users who want to edit data within MS Access tables. There is a feature in the software to save tables as Text, Excel CSV, PDF or XML file. Access 2000 or higher required....

    Automatic File Backup Software iconAutomatic File Backup Software 7.0   (Downloads: 245)
    Periodically backup any set of files to a specified folder. This software offers a convenient solution for users who need to periodically backup any set of files to a specified folder. Simply add files individually, by folder, or by drag-and-drop. Files are automatically saved as copies to the location of your choice. Backup frequency can be set between every 5 minutes and 24 hours. This application sits in the system tray at the bottom right corner of the screen. This software helps you protect your data the easy way....

    MS Word Backup File Auto Save Software iconMS Word Backup File Auto Save Software 7.0   (Downloads: 246)
    Automatically save all open Word documents to a separate backup file. This software offers a solution for users who wish to automatically save all open MS Word documents to a separate backup file. These file backups occur while you work at intervals that you specify. These intervals can be set to every 5 minutes, every 15 minutes, every 30 minutes, every hour, every 2 hours, every 4 hours, every 8 hours, every 24 hours, etc. This application sits in the system tray at the bottom right corner of the screen. Word 2000 or higher required...

    PDF Image Extract Software iconPDF Image Extract Software 7.0   (Downloads: 262)
    In one or more PDF files, extract images found within each file and save each. This software offers a solution for users who want to extract images from one or more PDF files. The extracted images will be saved as JPG/JPEG (for easy editing). By instantly extracting images, this software will save you hours of time of having to capture/save images by hand....

    Excel Date Format Change Software iconExcel Date Format Change Software 7.0   (Downloads: 307)
    Change how the position of months, days and years appear in dates in MS Excel. This software offers a solution for users who want to change the date format in one or more existing Excel files. The user can choose the required position for day, month and year. The output can be in two formats: Formatted Dates or Text Dates. The operation can apply to the entire workbook, active sheet or a specified block of cells. Excel 2000 or higher required....

    MS Word Meeting Agenda Template Software iconMS Word Meeting Agenda Template Software 7.0   (Downloads: 343)
    Create meeting agenda templates in MS Word. Word 2000 or higher required. This software offers a solution for users who need to create a plan for any type of meeting. Use for clubs, councils, and organizations when time needs to be regulated. This software will save you administrative time by quickly formatting the important information you enter. All data in the Word document is easily edited to match revisions and updates. Use as a poster, handout, and checklist. Word 2000 or higher required....

    Outlook Extract Email Addresses Software iconOutlook Extract Email Addresses Software 7.0   (Downloads: 241)
    Extract email addresses from an Outlook Inbox. Save results as text files. This software offers a solution for users who want to create contact lists from Outlook sent and received messages. Simply choose whether to work with Outlook, Outlook Express or a PST file. Email addresses are found from sent/received headers as well from the body of messages. Save a list with just a few clicks. Outlook 2000/Outlook Express 5.0 or higher required....

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