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    C: \ System Utilities \ Printer \ Default Printer 2.5 \ Author

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    Default Printer 2.5 - Author Info Page

    Description: Select your default printer, rename it, share it, delete it... (more)

    Author Info for Default Printer 2.5

    Author/Company Name: Adolix

    Country: Romania

    Web Site: http://www.adolix.com

    Programs listed: 3

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    Directory Classifier iconDirectory Classifier 2.2   (Downloads: 215)
    View a customizable listing of the contents for any directory on your computer. Directory Classifier lets you view a customizable listing of the contents for any directory on your computer. You can easily save the folder listing as TXT or PDF file. The Directory Classifier listing can be saved as a file that can be imported into most popular spreadsheets and database applications. Directory Classifier can also process information contained within a folder's subfolders. A wide range of options are available to allow you customize your listing, i...

    eCover Engineer iconeCover Engineer 6.3.1   (Downloads: 423)
    Create professional ebook covers, CD covers, DVD covers and software box covers. Create professional ebook covers, CD covers, DVD covers and software box covers. Edit pictures using eCover Engineer's build in image editor and use one of our 100 free templates.

    - Can create ecovers for software box, ebooks, magazines, notebooks, business cards, screenshots, vista software box and VHS tape
    - Real-time 3D Editing and Rendering
    - High image quality
    - Ability to import BMP, JPG, GIF, PSD and othe...

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