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FoxPro Append Two Tables Software 7.0 (Downloads: 201)
Vertically merge one FoxPro table into another. Vertically merge one FoxPro table into another. The tables can be located in the same FoxPro database or two different databases. Connect to FoxPro via DBC file or multiple DBF files in a folder....
Create Comma Separated List Software 7.0 (Downloads: 335)
Create CSV files from files in any format. This software offers a solution for users who need to create CSV files from source files in any format. Source files can be separated by any character or characters, such as enter or space. Simply specify comma-space or any other character combination and the files are automatically converted. This software will save you hours by formatting your data quickly....
MS SQL Server Join Two Tables Software 7.0 (Downloads: 252)
Horizontally merge two MS SQL Server tables into one by a common column. Horizontally merge two MS SQL Server tables into one by a common column (field) of data. The two tables are not changed: a new table is created with the results. MS Access 2000 or higher required....
MS Access Find and Replace Software 7.0 (Downloads: 256)
Replace content in MS Access tables. This software offers a solution for users who want to find and replace text in MS Access tables. This software allows you to select one or more tables in which to make the replacements. Please note that replacements can not be made in Boolean data types, primary keys and other unmodifiable text. By allowing multiple find and replace switches to be made in batch, this software will save you hours time having to make manual changes by hand in your Access tables. Acces...
Delete Files From Windows Media Player Software 7.0 (Downloads: 276)
Delete video and audio files during playback. This software offers a solution for users who want to delete files from their computer while it is playing in Windows Media Player. There are options to delete to the Recycle Bin or only from the playlist and to add files to the playlist, play the next or previous track. This can be useful when organizing media in large collections and filtering out unwanted media files....
Excel Print Multiple Files Software 7.0 (Downloads: 272)
Print many MS Excel files without opening each one. This software offers a solution for users who need to print multiple MS Excel files without opening each one. Simply add files individually, by folder, or by drag-and-drop. Choose to print only the active (first) sheet or all sheets of each file. Simply click print and all files are queued to the printer of your choice. This software will save you minutes every time you batch print. Excel 2000 or higher required....
PDF Split Multiple Files Software 7.0 (Downloads: 266)
Split one or more PDF files into smaller ones by a specified number of pages. This simple and powerful utility allows a user to segment a PDF into new PDF documents every user-specified number of pages. This software will save you time by manipulating multiple PDF files at once....
MS Publisher Export To Multiple PDF Files Software 7.0 (Downloads: 307)
Convert many MS Publisher files into PDF format without Adobe Acrobat. This software offers a solution for users who want to convert one or more MS Publisher files into PDF format without using Adobe Acrobat. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder to be converted and the output folder. PDF format files can be used on different operating systems. Publisher 2000 or higher required....
Find Files Containing Your Specified Text Software 7.0 (Downloads: 272)
Search for files containing specified words or phrases within the actual file. This software offers a solution for users who want to search for words or phrases within multiple files. First, drag and drop files you would like to search in or use the 'Add Files' buttons. You can also load a list of files in C:\test\1.txt C:\test\2.txt format as long as entries are separated by a line break. Next, simply enter a string of characters to find. You can filter results by clicking "Remove Results Containing X" or "Remove Results Not Co...
MS Word Resume Template Software 7.0 (Downloads: 294)
Create resume templates in MS Word. Word 2000 or higher required. This software offers a solution for job seekers who want to create a simple and attractive resume. Simply fill in the standard items and your information is automatically formatted in a visually appealing one page document. This software will save you time by suggesting which information to include and by organizing the form in a professional fashion. Word 2000 or higher required....
Excel Import Multiple Outlook Contacts & Emails So 7.0 (Downloads: 255)
Import Outlook email and contact data to a blank MS Excel file. This software offers a solution for users who want to import Outlook Contact Details or e-mails into a blank excel sheet. The user can set filters to choose which data fields to import from the Inbox, Outbox or Contact Details. Excel 2000 or higher required....
MySQL Extract Data & Text Software 7.0 (Downloads: 252)
Extract fields (columns) containing user-specified text in MySQL databases. This software offers a solution for MySQL database users. Fields (columns) containing user Specified Text can be extracted. Parts of a field starting and ending with user Specified Characters can be extracted. Either of these options will be effective on all tables in the database....
Excel Save Xlt As Xls Software 7.0 (Downloads: 278)
Convert one or more MS Excel template files (.xlt or .xltx) to xls. Convert one or more MS Excel template files (.xlt or .xltx) to regular Excel files (.xls or .xlsx). Excel 2000 or higher required....
Excel Edit Formulas Software 7.0 (Downloads: 289)
Change formulas in one or more MS Excel files. Excel 2000 or higher required. This software offers a solution for users who want to change formulas in multiple Excel files. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder and then change formulas as needed. Excel 2000 or higher required....
Get Line Count In Multiple Text & HTML Files Softw 7.0 (Downloads: 359)
Count lines in one or more text and HTML files. This software offers a solution for users who want to obtain a line count from multiple text or HTML files. The user can choose the required files or add an entire folder. The user can opt for all lines containing a specified word/s to be excluded from the count. There is a check box for excluding all blank lines and count options to: give one count for all the files or a separate count for each. Using this time saving software, an accurate line count for a large nu...
Excel Word Frequency Count Software 7.0 (Downloads: 223)
Find frequency of each word in one or more MS Excel files. This software provides a list of word frequencies for one or more MS Excel files. Choose to calculate counts for individual files or for all files collectively. Organized results are exported to a text file. This software will save you time by automatically tabulating how often particular data occur over multiple files. There is a feature to save results as text files. Excel 2000 or higher required....
MySQL Export Table To XML File Software 7.0 (Downloads: 267)
Convert MySQL data in one table to an XML file. This software offers a solution for MySQL Server database users needing to convert MySQL data in a single table into an XML file. The output file can be customized to use the original database Field Names as Tags....