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    C: \ System Utilities \ Automation Tools \ AutoAppointments 1.00 \ Author

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    AutoAppointments 1.00 - Author Info Page

    Description: The appointments automation into a facillity. Coordinate appointments.. (more)

    Author Info for AutoAppointments 1.00

    Author/Company Name: kosmos BOS

    Country: Greece

    Web Site: http://www.kosmosbos.com

    Programs listed: 5

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    AutoTasks iconAutoTasks 1.00   (Downloads: 241)
    The Task assignment automation into a company. Put Tasks to users. The Task assignment automation into a company.You can assign tasks to users, by name or by position into the company or organization. The incoming task emerges as "Activities to do" on the terminal of the assignee (user). After the user finishes the job he/she forwards the task, with any number and kind of attached documents to it. The "operations manager" can see at any time what tasks are running, their past history, users that have been assgne...

    3 tier FrontEnd for MS-Access icon3 tier FrontEnd for MS-Access 1.00   (Downloads: 210)
    Its based entirely on the n-tier technology. Remotely execute any kind of SQL The 3tier FrontEnd for any MS-Access database. Its based entirely on the n-tier technology. One at least application server must be istalled near the MS-Access database. The clients can be installed anywere in the Internet. Firstly the server installation gets all the database schema i.e. tables, fields, indexes, foreign keys and views. After that browsing and editing forms are created. The clients then are setuped automaticaly. In one single pass connects with any ...

    AutoOrders iconAutoOrders 1.00   (Downloads: 325)
    The incoming order automation into a company. Put orders and execute them. The incoming order automation into a company. Put orders and execute them.The order along with the products goes to the production lines. There every product starts to manifactured at the same time. The incoming task emerges as "Activities to do" on the terminal of the assignee (user). After the user finishes the job he/she forwards the task, with any number and kind of attached documents to it. The "operations manager" can see at any time what ...

    AutoServices iconAutoServices 1.00   (Downloads: 242)
    The car service automation program. Get service orders and excecute them The car service automation program. Get service orders and excecute them. The customer put service call to company. The application handles all the process of car servicing, starting from the gate reception, to disassembling and disassembling. The incoming task emerges as "Activities to do" on the terminal of the assignee (user). After the user finishes the job he/she forwards the task, with any number and kind of attached documents to it. The "opera...

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