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    C: \ Security & Privacy \ Password Managers \ PartWord 1.0.1 \ Author

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    PartWord 1.0.1 - Author Info Page

    Description: Quickly get selected characters from a password... (more)

    Author Info for PartWord 1.0.1

    Author/Company Name: Coruscant Ltd.

    Country: United Kingdom

    Web Site: http://www.coruscant.co.uk/

    Programs listed: 5

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    AbortShutdown iconAbortShutdown 1.0.0   (Downloads: 221)
    Abort remote shutdowns on your computer AbortShutdown allows you to abort a remote shutdown made against your local machine, provided you have sufficient privileges.

    When a remote shutdown request is issued against your computer and the system dialog pops up to inform you, you simply double-click on the AbortShutdown tray icon and, provided you have sufficient privileges, the shutdown is aborted....

    Remote Shutdown iconRemote Shutdown 3.4   (Downloads: 241)
    Shutdown mutiple remote workstations over a network with a number of options. RemoteShutdown allows an NT/2K/XP Administrator to remotely shutdown any number of NT/2K/XP Workstations over which they have administrative control via either a GUI interface or a command-line interface.

    You can specify a delay, which can either be an absolute time (eg. 8pm) or a relative time (eg. "20 minutes from now"), during which a message you specify can be displayed. Alternatively you can specify a shutdown without warning. Applicatio...

    SimpleActivityLogger iconSimpleActivityLogger 1.3.0   (Downloads: 194)
    Log various system events to help track your computer's usage. SimpleActivityLogger is a small DLL that hooks into Windows and records the following events:

    * System Startup & Shutdown
    * User Logon & Logoff
    * Console Lock & Unlock
    * Screen Saver start & stop

    There is a also a small GUI application to allow the user to specify what events are logged and to where and is also a simple log viewer.

    SimpleActivityLogger is most useful for people ...

    AutoInsult iconAutoInsult 3.5   (Downloads: 214)
    Generate insults in a variety of styles then send them to others. AutoInsult is a fun little program that generates insults for you in a variety of styles. It then copies them into the clipboard (as text) so that you can paste them into emails, documents, or wherever else a good insult might be needed. You can also get it to pop-up an insult at regular intervals.

    All the word resources are stored in an external file, which allows new dictionaries to be "plugged in". Currently dictionaries in both English and...

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    AbleFTP iconAbleFTP 11.10: AbleFtp - FTP client designed to automate and run 1000+ FTP tasks a day.

    Domain Quester iconDomain Quester 6.02: Search for domains by unlimited number of keywords

    Audio DVD Maker iconAudio DVD Maker 1.0: Audio DVD Maker is an innovative utility for you to personalize your own DVD

    JaSFtp iconJaSFtp 11.10: JaSFtp - Automated SFTP client (secure FTP), Run 1000+ tasks on a schedule.

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