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    C: \ Business \ Other \ PDF-Analyzer 4.0 \ Author

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    PDF-Analyzer 4.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: An analysis tool specially for pdf files.. (more)

    Author Info for PDF-Analyzer 4.0

    Author/Company Name: Ingo Schmoekel

    Country: GERMANY

    Web Site: http://www.pdf-analyzer.com

    Programs listed: 8

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    Other listings by this author

    PDFLayout Plus iconPDFLayout Plus 1.0   (Downloads: 154)
    PDFLayout Plus - A developer dll - royalty free! All attributes page by page. PDFlayout Plus - A dll for your pdf-files... Royalty free!
    With this dll you can get all layout-properties (listed below) from pdf-files. Page by page! As a second value you can send the page number!
    You can use it with delphi, vb(a), C, C++ and all other well known programming environments (.NET, too!). Please try it before you buy.
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    PDFtext iconPDFtext 2.3   (Downloads: 238)
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    PDFIndexCut iconPDFIndexCut 1.0   (Downloads: 162)
    PDFIndexCut - A developer dll - royalty free! For a really fast web access!. PDFIndexCut - A dll for your pdf-files... Royalty free!
    For a really fast web access!
    You can use it with delphi, vb(a), C, C++ and all other well known programming environments (.NET, too!). Please try it before you buy.
    The dll splits the big pdf-files in a content- and an index-part (with links to the content).
    That's fast and interesting! Have a try!
    With your app the library can be distributed without paying anymore... It's royalty...

    PDFsearch iconPDFsearch 1.1   (Downloads: 162)
    PDFsearch - A dll for fulltextsearch. A developer dll - royalty free! PDFsearch - A developer dll for fulltextsearch ... Royalty free!
    With this dll you can search in the complete text-content of a given pdf-file.
    You can set different options to do this...
    1. Combining the searchstrings with [and] or [or].
    2. How to search ... Find only the first or find all.
    3. Setting a stop value ... How long the search shall max. run.
    4. If the relevant pdf-file should be opened with a linked pdf-viewer on the ...

    FromImage2PDF iconFromImage2PDF 1.1   (Downloads: 191)
    Convertion of many images-types to pdf-format. A developer dll - royalty free! FromImage2PDF - A developer dll for imageconvertion to pdf ... Royalty free! Many options, many imagetypes - Easy to use! Ready made formats, original and customized formats, transparency settings, positions, borders, rgb background-colours, security- and encryption-settings, main- and user-passwords, ... A testprogram and sample-sources (delphi, visual basic, vb2005, c++) are included! You can use it with all well known ides (.NET-IDEs, too!). Try it with Visual Ba...

    PDFLock iconPDFLock 1.0   (Downloads: 221)
    Protect your pdf-documents. A developer dll - royalty free! PDFLock - A developer dll for setting all security options, main- and user-password, encryption type ... Royalty free! Easy to use! A testprogram and sample-sources (delphi, vb2008, vb60, c#) are included! You can use it with all well known ides (.NET-IDEs, too!). Try it with Visual Basic, VB2008 Express, VBA, Delphi, C, C++, C#, ......

    FromImage2PDF iconFromImage2PDF 1.1   (Downloads: 173)
    Convertion of many images-types to pdf-format. A developer dll - royalty free! FromImage2PDF - A developer dll for imageconvertion to pdf ... Royalty free! Many options, many imagetypes - Easy to use! Ready made formats, original and customized formats, transparency settings, positions, borders, rgb background-colours, security- and encryption-settings, main- and user-passwords, ... A testprogram and sample-sources (delphi, visual basic, vb2005, c++) are included! You can use it with all well known ides (.NET-IDEs, too!). Try it with Visual Ba...

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