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    C: \ System Utilities \ Shell Tools \ Align 1.6 \ Author

    Opens in new window

    Align 1.6 - Author Info Page

    Description: Aligns data in ASCII text files into neat columns... (more)

    Author Info for Align 1.6

    Author/Company Name: Canadian Mind Products

    Country: Canada

    Web Site: http://mindprod.com

    Programs listed: 86

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    Other listings by this author

    CanadianTax iconCanadianTax 4.2   (Downloads: 583)
    Calculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or in the past. Calculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or as they were in the past.

    Java Applet that can also be run as an application.
    Requires Java version 1.5 or later.

    Java source code and sample HTML included.

    This version computes by adding GST HST and PST to a base
    price. It als works in reverse given the
    final price working backwards to get the taxes and base
    price. In other words it will tell ...

    BlOut iconBlOut 2.6   (Downloads: 352)
    Blout removes extra or all blank lines from a file. Blout removes extra blank lines from a file, collapsing multiple blank
    lines down to one, (or removing them altogether with the -compact option).
    It also ensures the file has a final CrLf. It also trims any blank lines
    off the beginning and end of the file. It also converts all line endings
    to Windows standard CrLf form. It trims trailing tabs and spaces from
    each line.

    Blout is not that bright. It does not understand w...

    Boyer iconBoyer 1.5   (Downloads: 233)
    Fast string search (indexOf) using the Boyer-Moore algorithm. Fast string search (indexOf) using the Boyer-Moore
    algorithm. Incorporate this class into your own Java
    programs to rapidly search strings.

    import com.mindprod.Boyer.Boyer;
    Boyer b = new Boyer("dogcatwombat");
    int where = b.indexOf("cat");
    int where = Boyer.indexOf("dogcatwombat","cat");

    Boyer-Moore is about twice as fast as String.indexOf wh...

    Password iconPassword 1.7   (Downloads: 515)
    Generates random passwords that are hard to guess. Generates random passwords that are hard to guess. It uses a crytographic quality random number generator. The passwords are generated locally in a Java Applet. They are never transmitted over the Internet, even in encrypted form.
    You can also run it as a standalone program, invoking it with
    java com.mindprod.password.Password

    You can also run it online at the mindprod.com website without installing it....

    FileTransfer iconFileTransfer 2.5   (Downloads: 253)
    Java classes to cop, upload and download files. Includes classes to let you copy, download and upload files from within a Java program. Also contains a command-line utility to download files.

    Fully commented Java source is provided. It is now comes in four parts, MiniFileTransfer, FileTransfer and MaxiFileTransfer, Download depending on how much functionality you require. Now supports copying members in local jar files.

    Command line use:

    java -jar download.jar http : //x...

    Amper iconAmper 1.9   (Downloads: 362)
    Safely converts ampersands to !amp; entities In the following, pretend ! is an ampersand. PAD files don't let me give literal examples. Amper converts ! to !amp; in HTML files and back, but does not convert it when the ! is already in an entity e.g. !lt; !thetasym; !eacute;

    The main use for this is to pass HTMLValidator verification of your HTML, which is very picky about !, especially inside URLs.

    As a side effect, it also ensures all your comment delimiters balance.

    It ...

    SetClock iconSetClock 8.5   (Downloads: 839)
    Set your PC Clock from an accurate atomic clock on the web. Set PC Clock from an accurate atomic clock on the web. You
    can put in on your website so that others can use it to
    correct their clocks without having to install software or
    without you having to install software on your server.

    Java Web Start signed.

    Requires Java version 1.5 or later. Native code for Windows only.

    Full Java source code included, and native C JNI code....

    Converter iconConverter 5.5   (Downloads: 382)
    How to Interconvert any of the Java primitives. Conversion Amanuensis. Conversion teaching tool. Shows you how to convert any of the 17 basic Java types into any of the other. Conversion Amanuensis as your side whenever you need Java code to convert anything to anything else. Runs an as Applet or application.

    To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, available from
    winzip.com (or similar unzip utility) into any
    directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
    folder names) option. To run ...

    SortedArrayList iconSortedArrayList 1.3   (Downloads: 200)
    Sort and Merge ArrayLists efficiently. This is a pair of library classes to include in your own
    code for manipulating ArrayLists.

    It consist of two classes: SortedArrayList and Merge.

    SortedArrayList is an ArrayList that remembers how it is
    sorted, so that if you ask it to sort, it can sometimes
    bypass the work when it is already in order. You declare the
    order you want and it keeps the list sorted, You just call
    sort whenever you need the list to ...

    Pluck iconPluck 1.0   (Downloads: 186)
    Scans multiple files looking for a REGEX pattern, and summarised what it finds. Scans multiple files looking for a REGEX pattern, and
    summarised what it finds as a CSV file.

    java -jar C:\com\mindprod\pluck\pluck.jar "\.[a-z]+\." E:\temp\temp.csv E:\somedir

    adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.
    The first parameter is the regex pattern. See regex in the java glossary
    for how to compose them.

    The next parameter is where the output in to go. use the

    InWords iconInWords 4.6   (Downloads: 317)
    Java code to converts number to words in any of 24 languagues. Shows you how to count in any of the following languages:

    Bahasa Indonesia
    Decimal (several variants)
    Dutch (modern, old and banker's)
    English (British, North American, Ordinals)
    Metric Metric Prefixes (grams)
    RAM (bytes)
    Roman Numerals...

    Base64 iconBase64 1.9   (Downloads: 273)
    Java classes to encode/decode Base64 and Base64u Base64 is a freeware way of encoding 8-bit characters using
    only ASCII printable characters similar to UUENCODE.
    UUENCODE embeds a filename where BASE64 does not. You will
    see BASE64 used in encoding digital certificates, in
    encoding user:password string in an Authorization: header
    for HTTP. The spec is described in RFC 2045.

    Don't confuse Base64 with x-www-form-urlencoded which
    is handled by java.net.URLEncoder.encod...

    CMOSSave iconCMOSSave 4.6   (Downloads: 299)
    Check CMOS for corruption and automatically restore it. CMOSSave CMOSRest CMOSChk restore corrupted CMOS from
    backup and check that CMOS has not been tampered with.

    Naive users sometimes meddle with CMOS settings. We need a
    fast way to put the scores of subtle CMOS configuration
    settings back the way they were.

    Power surges can corrupt CMOS. We need a way for a naive
    user to quickly restore all the CMOS settings.

    If the battery fails, the contents will be los...

    Common11 iconCommon11 2.8   (Downloads: 354)
    common utility classes that work under Java 1.1+ common utility classes that work under Java 1.1 without using Arraylists or Swing.

    Class library.
    Requires Java version 1.1 or later.

    BigDate: simplified date handling when you want dates without times.
    CMPAboutBox: a proper about box that provides useful information.
    ImageInfo: information about a GIF, png, jpg.
    ImageViewer: component to display an image
    Limiter: cap, corral and h...

    Esper iconEsper 2.4   (Downloads: 274)
    A crude translator Esperanto To English and English to Esperanto. A crude translator Esperanto To English and English to
    Esperanto. It works by looking up words in various
    dictionaries on the web. It mindlessly translates word for

    (1) First download and install the lastest Java JRE

    (2) Using WinZip extract the
    files into the default com\mindprod\esper directory.

    (3) Create a shortcut setting by right clicking the
    desktop and selecting new shortcut.

    Sound iconSound 1.4   (Downloads: 231)
    Create/synthesize sounds mathematically in Java. Sound lets you mathematically create sounds in Java.

    You define your sounds in terms of 16-bit linear code for
    the waveform, -- an array of samplings. The U_Law.class will
    then convert that to (or from) *.AU mu-law 8-bit encoding
    format which you can then play with
    AudioPlayer.player.start(bis) in an application or with
    Applet.getAudioClip in an Applet.

    This is just a sample program. You would insert your own m...

    Pentium iconPentium 1.5   (Downloads: 243)
    Java code to tell you facts about the Pentium and AMD CPU. Pentium works on Windows and Intel Pentium class and AMD
    CPUs to determine the CPUID information such as the vendor,
    brand/model, step, model, instruction set family, cpu serial
    number, and the RDTSC Time stamp register for high
    resolution timing measured in CPU cycles since the last
    boot. It is designed to be incorporated in your own Java

    You can also use it as a standalone utility with:


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    Audio DVD Maker iconAudio DVD Maker 1.0: Audio DVD Maker is an innovative utility for you to personalize your own DVD

    Domain Quester iconDomain Quester 6.02: Search for domains by unlimited number of keywords

    TradeTrakker iconTradeTrakker 2.93: Powerful investment tracking program to automatically track stocks/mutual funds

    JaSFtp iconJaSFtp 11.10: JaSFtp - Automated SFTP client (secure FTP), Run 1000+ tasks on a schedule.

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