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Unicode 1.8 (Downloads: 349)
Used to test your computer's Unicode support Used to test your computer's Unicode support and your font's
support for particular characters, or as a learning to to
explore the Unicode character set. Displays in Courier,
TimesRoman, Symbol, Dialog and Helvetica.
copyright (c) 1996-2008 Nic Fulton nic.fulton@reuters.com of
Reuters Ltd. Modified by Roedy Green
of Canadian Mind Products with permission.
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, availa...
Biorhythms Calculator 2.7 (Downloads: 889)
Calculates and displays biorhythm graphs. Calculates and displays biorhythm graphs.
Enter your birthdate and this Applet and it will calculate
your biorhythms. It computes your 23-day physical, 28-day
emotional, 33-day intellectual and combined cycles. The
combined cycle is sometimes called the luck cycle. The
theory of biorhythms is when the cycles are positive/high
you will have high energy. When they are negative/low you
will have low energy. When they...
Splice 1.5 (Downloads: 341)
SPLICE splices bits of files together SPLICE splices bits of files together e.g.
SPLICE Cut MyFile.Txt Start 99 Length 99 Insert MyFile2.txt At 99
SPLICE Copy MyFile.Txt Start 99 Length 99 Overlay MyFile2.txt At 99
Uses for SPLICE:
1. excising a section of a file.
2. replacing a section of a file.
3. inserting a section into a file.
4. extracting a section of a file.
5. appending a section onto a file.
This program may be freel...
FontShower 2.9 (Downloads: 475)
Displays all the fonts available to Swing in Java. Displays all the fonts available to Java on your
machine. Displays the fonts in a variety of styles, sizes
and colours, rendered either with anti-aliased or plain.
FontShower displays the fonts available on *your* machine
to *Java*. Other people will have different fonts installed
and will see different selections available via Java on
their machines. Your browser will see a slightly different
set of fonts than Java ...
Dedup 1.5 (Downloads: 209)
Java command line utility to removes duplicate lines from text files. DeDup is a Java command-line utilty for removing duplicate
lines in text files.
The dedup process compares adjacent lines only. It does not
sort first. The comparison is case sensitive. It removes
adjacent indentical lines. It replaces the original file, so
do a backup first. You can dedup 1 to N files in one
execution, just put their names on the command line.
DeDup deletes blank lines from both the beginning...
CanadianTax 4.2 (Downloads: 580)
Calculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or in the past. Calculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or as they were in the past.
Java Applet that can also be run as an application.
Requires Java version 1.5 or later.
Java source code and sample HTML included.
This version computes by adding GST HST and PST to a base
price. It als works in reverse given the
final price working backwards to get the taxes and base
price. In other words it will tell ...
Spinner 1.1 (Downloads: 323)
DateSpinner, hex and formatted dollar input for Java JSpinner. Spinner consists of source for classes for a DateSpinner and to add hex and
formatted dollar input/output for Java JSpinner to your own
Java programs.
Spinner offers two NumberFormatter classes you can use with
a JSpinner. One is HexNumberFormatter which lets your
JSpinner range over hex values. The other is
DollarNumberFormatter which lets your JSpinner range over
dollar values. It works better than JSpinner.NumberEd...
Boyer 1.5 (Downloads: 233)
Fast string search (indexOf) using the Boyer-Moore algorithm. Fast string search (indexOf) using the Boyer-Moore
algorithm. Incorporate this class into your own Java
programs to rapidly search strings.
import com.mindprod.Boyer.Boyer;
Boyer b = new Boyer("dogcatwombat");
int where = b.indexOf("cat");
int where = Boyer.indexOf("dogcatwombat","cat");
Boyer-Moore is about twice as fast as String.indexOf wh...
AmericanTax 3.8 (Downloads: 417)
Calculates American sales taxes state and district Calculates American sales taxes, state and district.
Java Applet that can also be run as an application.
Requires Java version 1.5 or later.
Java source code and sample HTML included.
This version computes by adding sales tax to a base price.
It also works in reverse given the total paid working
backwards to get the tax and original price. In other words
it will tell you the sticker price to make somet...
Amper 1.9 (Downloads: 357)
Safely converts ampersands to !amp; entities In the following, pretend ! is an ampersand. PAD files don't let me give literal examples. Amper converts ! to !amp; in HTML files and back, but does not convert it when the ! is already in an entity e.g. !lt; !thetasym; !eacute;
The main use for this is to pass HTMLValidator verification of your HTML, which is very picky about !, especially inside URLs.
As a side effect, it also ensures all your comment delimiters balance.
It ...
Common13 1.3 (Downloads: 252)
common utility classes that work under Swing Java 1.3+ common utility classes that work under Swing Java 1.3+
CMPAboutJBox: a proper about box for Swing apps/JApplets that provides useful information.
HybridJ : converts Swing Applet into an Application...
Untouch 2.4 (Downloads: 399)
Reverts files dates back if the files have not really changed. Documentation on the original student project outline
This explains how it works and some of its uses.
Untouch supports the following command line switches which appear
before the directories.
-c or -clear = clear history first and take current file times as the new revert-to point.
-f or -force = revert files back to previous dates whether they have changed or not.
-h or -help =...
Insult 1.9 (Downloads: 311)
Generates insults typical of those posted by Republicans in newsgroups. Generates insults typical of those posted by Republicans in
the alt.politics.bush newsgroup.
Java Applet that can also be run as an application.
You can run it without installing it at
To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, (or similar unzip utility) into
any directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
folder names) option. To run as an application,...
Official Encoding 1.1 (Downloads: 159)
Discover the official name of any given Java encoding. Official Encoding will tell you the official name of any given Java encoding and whether it is supported by Java. It will also display some of the characters available with that encoding.
This program runs under any OS,
(e.g. Win2K/XP/Vista/OSX/Linux/Solaris/Vista64/AIX...) so long as you have
Java version 1.5 or later installed.
Download source and compiled class files to run...
Http 2.9 (Downloads: 694)
HTTP GET/POST/HEAD/PROBE/CHASE java class library for http: or https: http is a small library of Java classes to let you do GET/POST/HEAD/PROBE/CHASE to a server r with http: or https. It will also encode parameter pairs for you.
It does nothing on its own. It is intended to be incorporated into your own programs.
To see a sample use have a look at the com.mindprod.submitter package, downloadable...
Tabin 5.3 (Downloads: 231)
Converts spaces to tabs in an ASCII text file. Converts spaces to tabs in an ASCII text file
TABIN.exe Myfile.txt
Assumes tab stops are 8 columns apart. Don't use it on word
processor files. C source included. Copyrighted by Canadian
Mind Products. May be freely distributed and used for any
purpose except military. It has been rewritten in C from
Pascal for extra speed. Users of previous versions should
take care to delete the old TABIN.COM...
VerCheck 4.4 (Downloads: 289)
VerCheck checks websites for new versions of the software you use. WHAT IT IS FOR
I used to check over a dozen websites each day to see if new versions of the software I use had been released. This was time consuming and error prone. VerCheck automates this
process by checking the websites of the programs you use to see if the version numbers have changed. It comes preconfigured from the factory with 64 applications.
For each applica...