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    C: \ System Utilities \ Shell Tools \ Honk 1.5 \ Author

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    Honk 1.5 - Author Info Page

    Description: Plays one or more of the Standard Windows sounds or wav files... (more)

    Author Info for Honk 1.5

    Author/Company Name: Canadian Mind Products

    Country: Canada

    Web Site: http://mindprod.com

    Programs listed: 86

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    Common11 iconCommon11 2.8   (Downloads: 352)
    common utility classes that work under Java 1.1+ common utility classes that work under Java 1.1 without using Arraylists or Swing.

    Class library.
    Requires Java version 1.1 or later.

    BigDate: simplified date handling when you want dates without times.
    CMPAboutBox: a proper about box that provides useful information.
    ImageInfo: information about a GIF, png, jpg.
    ImageViewer: component to display an image
    Limiter: cap, corral and h...

    JarCheck iconJarCheck 1.4   (Downloads: 458)
    Check that class target versions are as expected in a Java jar. Check a Java jar to make sure all the javac -target versions of
    the class files are what you expect.

    Java application.
    Requires Java version 1.5 or later.

    All Java source code is included.

    to use:

    java -jar jarcheck.jar jartotocheck.jar 1.1 1.7

    where jartocheck.jar is the name of jar to check.
    It will check all the class files in it.

    In this example:
    1.1 is the lo...

    Accumulate iconAccumulate 1.3   (Downloads: 175)
    Used to accumulate values by category. Used to accumulate values by category. It might be useful
    for example in a billing program to accumulate hours by
    various categories.

    It could be used to count how many times various words
    occurred in a document.

    All you need is:

    buckets.accumulate( "somecategory", someamount );

    And Accumulate looks after creating the buckets to
    accumulate new categories for you.


    NetworkCam iconNetworkCam 1.6   (Downloads: 247)
    Java Applet to view a Webcam stream of JPG images a Java Applet that lets you a view
    video stream from web cameras that servers
    present as a series of still jpg images....

    FileTransfer iconFileTransfer 2.5   (Downloads: 253)
    Java classes to cop, upload and download files. Includes classes to let you copy, download and upload files from within a Java program. Also contains a command-line utility to download files.

    Fully commented Java source is provided. It is now comes in four parts, MiniFileTransfer, FileTransfer and MaxiFileTransfer, Download depending on how much functionality you require. Now supports copying members in local jar files.

    Command line use:

    java -jar download.jar http : //x...

    Encodings iconEncodings 1.6   (Downloads: 218)
    Applet to list all supported encodings (character sets) supported by Java. Applet to list all supported encodings (character sets)
    supported by your browser/java.

    To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip,
    (or similar unzip utility) into
    any directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (user
    folder names) option. To run as an application, type:

    java -jar C:\com\mindprod\encodings\encodings.jar

    adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is....

    FileIO iconFileIO 6.1   (Downloads: 537)
    Generates sample Java code to do 617 types of I/O. I/O teaching tool that generates sample Java source code to read or write the console, a sequential file, a random access file, a String, an array of characters, an array of bytes, URL, HTTP CGI GET/POST, Socket, resource or Pipe. It shows you how to read or write ASCII-8 bit characters (plain or locale-encoded), Unicode 16-bit characters, raw bytes, big endian binary, little endian binary, or serialised objects, buffered, unbuffered or gzip compressed.

    RadixSort iconRadixSort 1.6   (Downloads: 190)
    RadixSort is a fast internal sort written in Java that mimics a card sorter. RadixSort is a fast internal sort written in Java that
    mimics a card sorter. Source provided. It is faster than
    both HeapSort and QuickSort. It sorts using a comparision
    routine you provide to compare two elements to be sorted
    plus a method to extract individual bytes from the keys to
    be sorted. The time to sort each item unlike most sorts,
    does not increase with larger sorts. It depends rather on
    the key length.

    FontSaver iconFontSaver 1.4   (Downloads: 204)
    FontSaver shares Font objects instead of creating new ones. FontSaver shares Font objects instead of creating new ones to cut
    down on the RAM and time needed to create Font and Font peer objects.
    Profiling often shows the creation of too many Font objects is the
    cause of poor performance.

    See the source code for how to incoporate it into your own programs.
    It does nothing on its own....

    InWords iconInWords 4.6   (Downloads: 317)
    Java code to converts number to words in any of 24 languagues. Shows you how to count in any of the following languages:

    Bahasa Indonesia
    Decimal (several variants)
    Dutch (modern, old and banker's)
    English (British, North American, Ordinals)
    Metric Metric Prefixes (grams)
    RAM (bytes)
    Roman Numerals...

    Unicode iconUnicode 1.8   (Downloads: 349)
    Used to test your computer's Unicode support Used to test your computer's Unicode support and your font's
    support for particular characters, or as a learning to to
    explore the Unicode character set. Displays in Courier,
    TimesRoman, Symbol, Dialog and Helvetica.

    copyright (c) 1996-2008 Nic Fulton nic.fulton@reuters.com of
    Reuters Ltd. Modified by Roedy Green
    of Canadian Mind Products with permission.

    To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, availa...

    Batik iconBatik 2.2   (Downloads: 457)
    Java to let you create a custom utility to find and delete all junk files. Java classes to let you create a custom utility to find and
    delete all junk files on your machine. Use one of the three
    scripts supplied as an example, to create your own XXX.java
    source code file then compile and use to rapidly clean your
    drive of junk.

    This program requires some elementary Java programming skill.

    To compile

    cd \com\mindprod\batik
    javac *.java

    to run, make s...

    KeyPlayer iconKeyPlayer 1.5   (Downloads: 363)
    Java Keystroke and Mouse Event Tutor / Keyboard Diagnostic. Java Keystroke and Mouse Event Tutor / Keyboard Diagnostic
    Application to let you experiment to learn how mouse and
    keystroke events work. Output appears on the console.
    Just click the mouse or hit keystrokes and watch what details
    of the events generated.

    To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, available from
    winzip.com (or similar unzip utility) into any
    directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the (...

    Transporter iconTransporter 1.4   (Downloads: 225)
    Lightweight Java classes to let you encrypt/sign/armour for secure transmission. The Transporter acts like an electronic secure courier to
    deliver your data and documents in encrypted form safe from
    prying eyes or those who would tamper with them.

    It Encrypts, digitally signs and armours to send sensitive
    information over the Internet without SSL.

    Typically you would embed it in your own Internet

    QuickSort iconQuickSort 1.6   (Downloads: 224)
    QuickSort is an implementation of Tony Hoare's classic recursive Quicksort. QuickSort is an implementation of Tony Hoare's classic
    QuickSort. QuickSort works by choosing a pivot point and
    ensuring all elements below the pivot point are small all
    above are big, (i.e. smaller than the pivot) Then it
    recursively splites the upper and lower halves, repeating
    the process. QuickSort is an internal sort written in Java.
    Both RadixSort and HeapSort are quicker than QuickSort.
    QuickSort can also take patholo...

    Biorhythms Calculator iconBiorhythms Calculator 2.7   (Downloads: 889)
    Calculates and displays biorhythm graphs. Calculates and displays biorhythm graphs.

    Enter your birthdate and this Applet and it will calculate
    your biorhythms. It computes your 23-day physical, 28-day
    emotional, 33-day intellectual and combined cycles. The
    combined cycle is sometimes called the luck cycle. The
    theory of biorhythms is when the cycles are positive/high
    you will have high energy. When they are negative/low you
    will have low energy. When they...

    Spinner iconSpinner 1.1   (Downloads: 323)
    DateSpinner, hex and formatted dollar input for Java JSpinner. Spinner consists of source for classes for a DateSpinner and to add hex and
    formatted dollar input/output for Java JSpinner to your own
    Java programs.

    Spinner offers two NumberFormatter classes you can use with
    a JSpinner. One is HexNumberFormatter which lets your
    JSpinner range over hex values. The other is
    DollarNumberFormatter which lets your JSpinner range over
    dollar values. It works better than JSpinner.NumberEd...

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    AbleFTP iconAbleFTP 11.10: AbleFtp - FTP client designed to automate and run 1000+ FTP tasks a day.

    Audio DVD Maker iconAudio DVD Maker 1.0: Audio DVD Maker is an innovative utility for you to personalize your own DVD

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    Advanced XLS Converter iconAdvanced XLS Converter 2.55: With XLS Converter you can convert Excel (XLS) files into dozens of formats!

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