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    C: \ Web Development \ Java & JavaScript \ SortedArrayList 1.3 \ Author

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    SortedArrayList 1.3 - Author Info Page

    Description: Sort and Merge ArrayLists efficiently... (more)

    Author Info for SortedArrayList 1.3

    Author/Company Name: Canadian Mind Products

    Country: Canada

    Web Site: http://mindprod.com

    Programs listed: 86

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    Other listings by this author

    Borders iconBorders 1.5   (Downloads: 201)
    Displays a variety of decorative borders. Shows off what you can do with Swing. Displays a variety of decorative borders.
    Shows off what you can do with Swing.

    To run as an application, type:

    java -jar C:\com\mindprod\borders\borders.jar

    adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is.

    The picture frame icon represents the various decorative
    borders you can put around your Swing panels....

    LinkedList iconLinkedList 1.6   (Downloads: 176)
    LinkedList is replacement for Java Vector class. Classical doubly linked list. LinkedList is replacement for Java Vector class. Classical
    doubly linked list. Faster that Vector for insert/delete, but slower
    for indexed access. The interface is modeled on java.util.Vector, so
    you can try it both ways and pick which is faster for your needs.
    Heavily commented Java source included. copyright (c) 1997-2008 Canadian Mind
    Products. May be freely distributed and and used for any purpose
    except military.

    RadixSort iconRadixSort 1.6   (Downloads: 190)
    RadixSort is a fast internal sort written in Java that mimics a card sorter. RadixSort is a fast internal sort written in Java that
    mimics a card sorter. Source provided. It is faster than
    both HeapSort and QuickSort. It sorts using a comparision
    routine you provide to compare two elements to be sorted
    plus a method to extract individual bytes from the keys to
    be sorted. The time to sort each item unlike most sorts,
    does not increase with larger sorts. It depends rather on
    the key length.

    FileIO iconFileIO 6.1   (Downloads: 540)
    Generates sample Java code to do 617 types of I/O. I/O teaching tool that generates sample Java source code to read or write the console, a sequential file, a random access file, a String, an array of characters, an array of bytes, URL, HTTP CGI GET/POST, Socket, resource or Pipe. It shows you how to read or write ASCII-8 bit characters (plain or locale-encoded), Unicode 16-bit characters, raw bytes, big endian binary, little endian binary, or serialised objects, buffered, unbuffered or gzip compressed.

    Bulk Emailer iconBulk Emailer 1.7   (Downloads: 256)
    The bulk emailer program sends the same email to many people. The bulk emailer program allows you to send the same email
    to a long list of people. Unlike competing products, it does
    not require you to run any code on your ISP's server.

    The price includes customising the program to your needs.

    For more detail see the manual at

    To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, available from
    winzip.com (or similar unzip utili...

    TimeZones iconTimeZones 1.9   (Downloads: 200)
    Displays all the TimeZone on your machine supported by Java Displays all the TimeZoneon your machine supported by
    Java, with their standard time and daylight saving time
    offsets from GMT, along with the their ID (programmer) names
    and display names. It also displays UTC time, local time, and
    your default TimeZone and whether daylight savings is
    currently in effect....

    Holiday Calculatior iconHoliday Calculatior 4.7   (Downloads: 683)
    Calculate when 66 holidays occur in any given year. Calculates when various holidays occur in any given year BC or AD.
    Designed to be cannibalised to include the calculation routines in your
    own programs. You might use it to prepare paper calenders well in
    advance or electronic calendars. You might also use the logic in computer
    programs that compute payrolls, bus schedules, or club meetings. You
    might use it in writing novels or researching historical events. It can

    HeapSort iconHeapSort 1.7   (Downloads: 206)
    HeapSort is an implementation of Williams and Floyd classic HeapSort. HeapSort is an implementation of Williams and Floyd's TopDown HeapSort.
    HeapSort is a fast internal sort written in Java that uses a
    sorting algorithm analogous to power struggles for higher
    positions in a hierarchical bureaucracy. Source provided. It
    is faster than QuickSort, but slower that RadixSort. It
    sorts using a comparison routine you provide to compare two
    elements to be sorted.

    You can test it with:

    Untouch iconUntouch 2.4   (Downloads: 401)
    Reverts files dates back if the files have not really changed. Documentation on the original student project outline
    This explains how it works and some of its uses.

    Untouch supports the following command line switches which appear
    before the directories.
    -c or -clear = clear history first and take current file times as the new revert-to point.
    -f or -force = revert files back to previous dates whether they have changed or not.
    -h or -help =...

    FontShower iconFontShower 2.9   (Downloads: 475)
    Displays all the fonts available to Swing in Java. Displays all the fonts available to Java on your
    machine. Displays the fonts in a variety of styles, sizes
    and colours, rendered either with anti-aliased or plain.

    FontShower displays the fonts available on *your* machine
    to *Java*. Other people will have different fonts installed
    and will see different selections available via Java on
    their machines. Your browser will see a slightly different
    set of fonts than Java ...

    NetworkCam iconNetworkCam 1.6   (Downloads: 247)
    Java Applet to view a Webcam stream of JPG images a Java Applet that lets you a view
    video stream from web cameras that servers
    present as a series of still jpg images....

    HunkIO iconHunkIO 1.7   (Downloads: 230)
    Java classes to readEntireFile, create a temp file etc. Java classes to include in your own programs. They let you read or write a file in one fell swoop into RAM. It also includes createTempFile method that is more convenient to use than Sun's File.createTempFile. It also includes PrintWriterPlus that converts linefeeds to platform specific line feeds even when they are embedded in data.

    Why the three linked ball logo? It symbolises processing a file in line-sized chunks....

    Official Encoding iconOfficial Encoding 1.1   (Downloads: 160)
    Discover the official name of any given Java encoding. Official Encoding will tell you the official name of any given Java encoding and whether it is supported by Java. It will also display some of the characters available with that encoding.


    This program runs under any OS,
    (e.g. Win2K/XP/Vista/OSX/Linux/Solaris/Vista64/AIX...) so long as you have
    Java version 1.5 or later installed.


    Download source and compiled class files to run...

    Biorhythms Calculator iconBiorhythms Calculator 2.7   (Downloads: 892)
    Calculates and displays biorhythm graphs. Calculates and displays biorhythm graphs.

    Enter your birthdate and this Applet and it will calculate
    your biorhythms. It computes your 23-day physical, 28-day
    emotional, 33-day intellectual and combined cycles. The
    combined cycle is sometimes called the luck cycle. The
    theory of biorhythms is when the cycles are positive/high
    you will have high energy. When they are negative/low you
    will have low energy. When they...

    Honk iconHonk 1.5   (Downloads: 222)
    Plays one or more of the Standard Windows sounds or wav files. Plays one or more of the Standard Windows sounds, triggered
    purely from the command line.


    - Plays the default system sound.

    honk SystemStart SystemHand SystemQuestion
    - Plays the given list of standard system sounds (usually just one).
    - they are case-insensitive (you can get the case wrong and it will still work).

    Possible sound names are listed in the registry...

    Rgrow iconRgrow 1.3   (Downloads: 193)
    RGrow resizes fixed length records padding or chopping. RGrow resizes fixed length records e.g.
    RGrow.exe MyFile.seq 500 600
    will grow each record from 500 to 600 bytes by padding binary zeros.
    Will also truncate records.

    These are not the old and new sizes of the file, but of the fixed length records
    in the file. If you increase the record size, each record will be padded
    with nulls. The entire file will grow as a result.

    This program may be freely copied and us...

    Quoter iconQuoter 5.1   (Downloads: 393)
    Converts text with many possible cleanups and transformations. Converts text with many possible cleanups, including
    preparation of HTML and Java, aligning in columns, character
    set conversion, case converting, removing excess white
    space, removing blank lines, preparing regex expressions....

    converts raw text with the following possible cleanups:

    0. Flow text by removing newline characters. Useful to prepare text to paste into web comment boxes.

    1. Convert awkward chara...

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