Almanac 1.0 - Author Info Page
Description: Calculates the times of rise, set, and transit of the sun, moon, and planets... (more)
Author Info for Almanac 1.0
Author/Company Name: Abecedarical Systems
Country: USA
Web Site: http://mysite.verizon.net/res148h4j/index.html
Programs listed: 5
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Numerical Plotter 1.0 (Downloads: 248)
Enables you to plot the solutions to scientific and engineering problems. This source code enables you to plot the solutions to scientific and engineering problems. The Visual C++ programming environment was chosen for realization of numerical computation techniques. Visual C++ includes many advanced features that make it especially suitable for scientific and engineering computations. Visual C++ is also widely used; there is a wealth of information available on how to program with it. Many of the features of Visual C++ enable you to w...
C++ sets class 1.0 (Downloads: 284)
The sets class can be used to perform set operations in your programs. The sets class can be used to perform set operations in your programs. It represents set elements as bits in a private array of unsigned long integers. The array size is a defined constant which can be changed to suit your application. The sets class supports the following set operations by means of C++ operator overloading: (1) union -- The union of two sets A, B is the set of all elements which belong to either A or B. In the sets class, the symbol + is the binary...
Zeno Interpreter 1.2 (Downloads: 210)
Interpreter for the Zeno programming language. Includes text editor, and help. This application is an interpreter for the Zeno computer programming language. It requires Microsoft Windows 95 or later. It includes a text editor for creating, saving, and printing programs. The on-line Help feature includes a tutorial on the Zeno computer programming language and operating instructions for the interpreter. The Zeno programming language is easy to learn and user friendly. It is more like natural English than most other computer languages and this ...
TimeWarp 3.0 (Downloads: 249)
A utility for setting your computer's clock using an internet time source. The TimeWarp utility sets your computer's clock from a time server using the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP). Using your computer's internet connection, timing messages from an SNTP time server can be obtained automatically to set your computer clock. TimeWarp operates in unicast mode where it sends a message to a time server and waits for a reply. The computer clock is set to the correct universal time, which is the time at the Greenwich meridian. TimeWarp ...