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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Seasonal \ Worlds Greatest Dad 6411 \ Author

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    Worlds Greatest Dad 6411 - Author Info Page

    Description: In this Father's Day screen saver, stars fill the back ground as an image of the.. (more)

    Author Info for Worlds Greatest Dad 6411

    Author/Company Name: Ken's Gift Shop

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.saversbyk.com

    Programs listed: 134

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    Other listings by this author

    Hearts of Love iconHearts of Love 011408   (Downloads: 183)
    This Valentine screen saver has animated hearts that float around your screen an This Valentine screen saver has animated hearts that float around your screen and display various Valentine messages.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    Animals iconAnimals 101410   (Downloads: 282)
    This animal screen saver rotates images of different animals, such as cats, hors This animal screen saver rotates images of different animals, such as cats, horses, camels, deer, cows, elephants and more....

    Falling iconFalling 62209   (Downloads: 224)
    This screen saver has a brick wall as the back ground and shows people falling l This screen saver has a brick wall as the back ground and shows people falling like they were falling off the wall.
    The screen saver contains sounds that can be turned on or off....

    Snow Day iconSnow Day 122707   (Downloads: 197)
    This winter screen saver rotates winter scenes as animated snowflakes move aroun This winter screen saver rotates winter scenes as animated snowflakes move around the scenes to make a picture frame....

    New Year Resolutions iconNew Year Resolutions 122207   (Downloads: 208)
    Have you made your New Year Resolutions yet? Have you made your New Year Resolutions yet?
    This screen saver might be able to help you decide on one?
    This screen saver rotates different resolution messages along with various images.
    The registered version plays music....

    New Year Celebration iconNew Year Celebration 122207   (Downloads: 235)
    Bring in the New Year with balloons and confetti as the music from Auld Lang Syn Bring in the New Year with balloons and confetti as the music from Auld Lang Syne plays (registered version only)....

    Angel Music iconAngel Music 122207   (Downloads: 221)
    This religious screen saver has Angels that move across your desktop as music no This religious screen saver has Angels that move across your desktop as music notes float to the top of your screen.
    The registered version plays music from five songs....

    Snow Trees iconSnow Trees 122509   (Downloads: 262)
    This winter screen saver has snow covered trees that move across your desktop as This winter screen saver has snow covered trees that move across your desktop as the snow falls.
    The registered version plays music from three songs....

    Alien Invasion iconAlien Invasion 62409   (Downloads: 253)
    This screen saver has an Alien that moves around your screen. Beware of the Alien as he takes over your computer.
    This screen saver has an Alien that moves around your screen....

    Mama Deer iconMama Deer 40308   (Downloads: 229)
    This Mother's Day screen saver has a mother deer and her fawn laying under a tre This Mother's Day screen saver has a mother deer and her fawn laying under a tree, as the message, Happy Mother's Day scrolls along the top....

    Fish Tank iconFish Tank 80609   (Downloads: 200)
    This screen saver has different fish that move back and forth across your screen This screen saver has different fish that move back and forth across your screen, while smaller fish move in the background....

    Haunted House iconHaunted House 101510   (Downloads: 265)
    This Halloween screen saver features a house that is haunted by Ghost, Bats a Sk This Halloween screen saver features a house that is haunted by Ghost, Bats a Skeleton and a Witch.
    The registered version contains sound effects....

    Butterflies iconButterflies 100408   (Downloads: 210)
    Watch as these colorful butterflies fly over some pretty pink flowers. Watch as these colorful butterflies fly over some pretty pink flowers....

    Easter Greetings iconEaster Greetings 30908   (Downloads: 199)
    This Easter screen saver rotates images of Easter while music plays (Registered This Easter screen saver rotates images of Easter while music plays (Registered Version Only)....

    St. Patricks Day iconSt. Patricks Day 020608   (Downloads: 196)
    This St. Patrick's Day screen saver has a leprechaun walking across your screen This St. Patrick's Day screen saver has a leprechaun walking across your screen as clovers, bottles, shamrocks, gold and silver coins float down, and the message Happy St. Patrick's Day bounces around.
    The registered version plays music....

    New Year Countdown iconNew Year Countdown 122307   (Downloads: 207)
    A clock counts down to 12 pm. and ends with a message saying Happy New Year as f This New Year screen saver contains three parts.
    Part 1: A clock counts down to 12 pm. and ends with a message saying Happy New Year as fireworks go off.
    Part 2: 5 American Flags wave to the music of America the Beautiful.
    Part 3: Confetti falls as the message Happy New Year is displayed and changes colors, from red to blue, while Auld Lang Syne plays.
    The music will only play once the screen saver has been registered....

    Gone Fishing iconGone Fishing 82909   (Downloads: 228)
    This screen saver has two fish moving across and an image of a boy and his Grand This screen saver is mainly for the guys, you know which one's I'm talking about?
    The ones that go fishing and never tells their wife.
    Now, all you need to do is use this screen saver, and they'll know?
    This screen saver has two fish moving across and an image of a boy and his Grandpa fading in and out.
    There is also a message that reads, Gone Fishing, scrolling along the bottom....

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