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    RAR Password Unlocker - Author Info Page

    Description: RAR Password Unlcoker - Recovers password to open and extract RAR files.. (more)

    Author Info for RAR Password Unlocker

    Author/Company Name: PasswordUnlocker

    Country: United States of America

    Web Site: http://www.passwordunlocker.com

    Programs listed: 2

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    Word Password Unlocker recovers/removes all versions of Microsoft Word passwords Word Password Unlocker 4.0 is a premium program with powerful functions. The three attack modes brute-force attack, brute-force with mask attack and dictionary attack are strong enough to recover passwords of any length and complexity. You can not only use it to recover passwords that simply composed with digits but also use it to recover passwords containing special characters like pond, dollar, space and slashes, etc. The password recovery speed is high over 220,...

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