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GlobalFind 1.06 (Downloads: 346)
Performs a complex file search and replace Search and replace text in multiple files or just do a file search. Includes many configurable options....
NoteBook 2.04 (Downloads: 285)
Stores notes and passwords in a secure file. Use NoteBook to store your important notes and passwords in an encrypted file. Includes a password option to keep your data protected from prying eyes....
EmailChecker 1.17 (Downloads: 364)
Free and compact e-mail checking utility EmailChecker is a fully configurable utility that sits in your system-tray and checks your email accounts at regular intervals. It has many customizations and is updated regularly....
SplitWave 1.02 (Downloads: 332)
Divides a wave file into separate tracks Cuts a sound (wave) file into smaller files depending on periods of silence....
MassMail 1.07 (Downloads: 348)
Mass e-mailing application for Windows MassMail is a free utility that can send out mailings to multiple addresses at a time. Very useful for newsletters, etc. and you don't need to use a 3rd party. Warning: By using this software you agree not to send SPAM mail....
PrpT Control 1.03 (Downloads: 331)
Property-list style custom control component PrpT is a complete property list control contained in a small DLL. The control, when added to a window, allows the user to edit multiple properties at a time in a neat and professional way....