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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Nature \ Yellowstone National Park 010408 \ Author

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    Yellowstone National Park 010408 - Author Info Page

    Description: This screen saver rotates 18 photos that were taken in and around Yellowstone Na.. (more)

    Author Info for Yellowstone National Park 010408

    Author/Company Name: Ken's Gift Shop

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.saversbyk.com

    Programs listed: 134

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    Falling iconFalling 62209   (Downloads: 224)
    This screen saver has a brick wall as the back ground and shows people falling l This screen saver has a brick wall as the back ground and shows people falling like they were falling off the wall.
    The screen saver contains sounds that can be turned on or off....

    Skulls iconSkulls 92509   (Downloads: 222)
    In this Halloween screen saver Skulls fade in and out as Bats fly around. In this Halloween screen saver Skulls fade in and out as Bats fly around.
    You might even see an occasional ghost....

    Last Supper iconLast Supper 90109   (Downloads: 214)
    This screen saver has a animated cross and an image of The Last Supper as it rot This screen saver has a animated cross and an image of The Last Supper as it rotates scriptures from the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke.
    The registered version plays music from three songs....

    On The Farm iconOn The Farm 71010   (Downloads: 272)
    This screen saver has a farmer riding a tractor as it rotates images of horse's, This screen saver has a farmer riding a tractor as it rotates images of horse's, cow's and pig's.
    Does contain some sound effects which can be disabled....

    Snowman iconSnowman 11909   (Downloads: 207)
    This winter screen saver has a snowman sledding on the ice as snowflakes fall. This winter screen saver has a snowman sledding on the ice as snowflakes fall....

    Country Roads iconCountry Roads 72009   (Downloads: 240)
    This screen saver rotates through scenes that you might see driving down a count This screen saver rotates through scenes that you might see driving down a country road?
    Some scenes include a boy fishing in a pond, barns, houses and deer.
    The registered version contains sound effects....

    Haunted Cemetery iconHaunted Cemetery 91409   (Downloads: 264)
    This Halloween screen saver features a cemetery that is haunted by ghost and oth This Halloween screen saver features a cemetery that is haunted by ghost and other creepy creatures.
    The screen saver contains sound effects....

    Turkey iconTurkey 111410   (Downloads: 240)
    This Thanksgiving screen saver has a turkey that moves around your screen and a This Thanksgiving screen saver has a turkey that moves around your screen and a message that reads Happy Thanksgiving scrolling across, as leaves fall....

    Falling Leaves iconFalling Leaves 82610   (Downloads: 244)
    This screen saver has leaves falling as a man is trying rake them up along his This screen saver has leaves falling as a man is trying rake them up along his fence.
    Occasionally a gust of wind will come along and blow the leaves away....

    Space Adventure iconSpace Adventure 122509   (Downloads: 258)
    Take a journey around the planets and watch the moon landing as you blast off in Take a journey around the planets and watch the moon landing as you blast off in to space with this space screen saver.
    The registered version contains sound effects....

    Christmas Night iconChristmas Night 121608   (Downloads: 194)
    As the snow falls, Santa and his sleigh fly across the night sky. As the snow falls, Santa and his sleigh fly across the night sky.
    He stops at a house and makes his way down the chimney, and puts Christmas presents under the Christmas Tree, then make's his way back up the chimney.
    The registered version plays music from four Christmas songs....

    Santa Sled iconSanta Sled 122109   (Downloads: 228)
    This Christmas screen saver has Santa with a bag full of toys riding a sled as s This Christmas screen saver has Santa with a bag full of toys riding a sled as snow falls.
    There are messages that appear near the top that reads Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays....

    A Mothers Dream iconA Mothers Dream 41308   (Downloads: 235)
    This Mothers Day screen saver rotates images of a mother and child and various p This Mothers Day screen saver rotates images of a mother and child and various poems while hearts float around.
    The registered version plays music....

    Spinning Hearts iconSpinning Hearts 012408   (Downloads: 233)
    Little hearts make up the back ground for this Valentine screen saver as bigger Little hearts make up the back ground for this Valentine screen saver as bigger hearts bounce around your screen and the message Happy Valentines Day scrolls across.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    Words of Wisdom iconWords of Wisdom 122107   (Downloads: 214)
    This screen saver rotates Scriptures from the books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, 2nd This screen saver rotates Scriptures from the books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, 2nd Samuel and 1st Kings while music plays in the background (registered version only)....

    Alien Invasion iconAlien Invasion 62409   (Downloads: 253)
    This screen saver has an Alien that moves around your screen. Beware of the Alien as he takes over your computer.
    This screen saver has an Alien that moves around your screen....

    Turkey Walk iconTurkey Walk 112008   (Downloads: 269)
    turkeys walking across your screen as leaves fall from the top. Turkeys and pumpkins fill the background in this colorful Thanksgiving screen saver.
    There are turkeys walking across your screen as leaves fall from the top.
    There is a message that says, Happy Thanksgiving floating around the screen....

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