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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Seasonal \ Leprechaun Dance 020908 \ Author

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    Leprechaun Dance 020908 - Author Info Page

    Description: This screen saver has a Leprechaun dancing along the bottom of your screen as sh.. (more)

    Author Info for Leprechaun Dance 020908

    Author/Company Name: Ken's Gift Shop

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.saversbyk.com

    Programs listed: 134

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    Other listings by this author

    Animals iconAnimals 101410   (Downloads: 282)
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    Ancient Israel iconAncient Israel 121507   (Downloads: 234)
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    Fish Aquarium iconFish Aquarium 71409   (Downloads: 235)
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    Blooming Flowers iconBlooming Flowers 93008   (Downloads: 222)
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    A Mothers Dream iconA Mothers Dream 41308   (Downloads: 235)
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    The registered version plays music....

    Around Israel iconAround Israel 121907   (Downloads: 207)
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    Some places include: Gordons Calvary, Jerusalem, Jordan River, Kidron Valley, Mt. Olives, Nazareth and Zechariahs Tomb....

    My Valentine iconMy Valentine 013008   (Downloads: 217)
    This Valentine screen saver has an animated heart in the center and a pen that w This Valentine screen saver has an animated heart in the center and a pen that writes out the message Will You Be My Valentine?
    There are cupids sitting on animated hearts that rotate around the screen as smaller hearts moving around your screen.
    The registered version plays music....

    Thanksgiving Greeting iconThanksgiving Greeting 111708   (Downloads: 170)
    This is a simple Thanksgiving screen saver that has a message saying Happy Thank This is a simple Thanksgiving screen saver that has a message saying Happy Thanksgiving as leaves, pine cones and pieces of pumpkin pie float down.
    Occasionally a turkey will run across....

    Snow Storm iconSnow Storm 122609   (Downloads: 233)
    This winter screen saver rotates 10 different snowy scenes as snow falls. This winter screen saver rotates 10 different snowy scenes as snow falls.
    Each scene is shown for 30 seconds....

    Easter Egg Hunt iconEaster Egg Hunt 22908   (Downloads: 214)
    This Easter screen saver shows a boy running and picking up Easter Eggs. This Easter screen saver shows a boy running and picking up Easter Eggs.
    Screen saver has some sound effects....

    Tooth Fairy iconTooth Fairy 102409   (Downloads: 296)
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    The Witch iconThe Witch 92609   (Downloads: 282)
    This Halloween Screen Saver shows the old wicked witch riding her trusted broom This Halloween Screen Saver shows the old wicked witch riding her trusted broom in the moonlight.
    Also contains some sound effects....

    Farmer Brown iconFarmer Brown 111010   (Downloads: 240)
    A gentle wind blows while farmer brown is busy doing his work and watching a squ A gentle wind blows while farmer brown is busy doing his work and watching a squirrel play in his front yard....

    Turkey Walk iconTurkey Walk 112008   (Downloads: 269)
    turkeys walking across your screen as leaves fall from the top. Turkeys and pumpkins fill the background in this colorful Thanksgiving screen saver.
    There are turkeys walking across your screen as leaves fall from the top.
    There is a message that says, Happy Thanksgiving floating around the screen....

    Mother and Baby iconMother and Baby 41708   (Downloads: 193)
    This Mothers Day screen saver shows a mother holding a baby as Angels play a cat This Mothers Day screen saver shows a mother holding a baby as Angels play a catchy little tune.
    The music will only play in the registered version....

    Fire Rings iconFire Rings 61009   (Downloads: 255)
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    Happy Birthday Boy iconHappy Birthday Boy 8910   (Downloads: 272)
    This screen saver has balloons, confetti and the message Happy Birthday floating This screen saver has balloons, confetti and the message Happy Birthday floating around with a background of Birthday cakes.
    The registered version plays music....

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