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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Other \ Gone Fishing 82909 \ Author

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    Gone Fishing 82909 - Author Info Page

    Description: This screen saver has two fish moving across and an image of a boy and his Grand.. (more)

    Author Info for Gone Fishing 82909

    Author/Company Name: Ken's Gift Shop

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.saversbyk.com

    Programs listed: 134

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    Lucky Clovers iconLucky Clovers 021308   (Downloads: 201)
    This St. Patrick's Day screen saver has dancers that move around your screen and This St. Patrick's Day screen saver has dancers that move around your screen and a pot of gold that is surrounded by animated clovers.
    The registered version plays music....

    Farmer Brown iconFarmer Brown 111010   (Downloads: 240)
    A gentle wind blows while farmer brown is busy doing his work and watching a squ A gentle wind blows while farmer brown is busy doing his work and watching a squirrel play in his front yard....

    On The Farm iconOn The Farm 71010   (Downloads: 272)
    This screen saver has a farmer riding a tractor as it rotates images of horse's, This screen saver has a farmer riding a tractor as it rotates images of horse's, cow's and pig's.
    Does contain some sound effects which can be disabled....

    Pot of Gold iconPot of Gold 22211   (Downloads: 356)
    This St. Patrick's screen saver has Leprechauns dancing around a pot of gold. This St. Patrick's screen saver has Leprechauns dancing around a pot of gold.
    The screen saver also plays music....

    Easter Greetings iconEaster Greetings 30908   (Downloads: 199)
    This Easter screen saver rotates images of Easter while music plays (Registered This Easter screen saver rotates images of Easter while music plays (Registered Version Only)....

    Santa Sled iconSanta Sled 122109   (Downloads: 228)
    This Christmas screen saver has Santa with a bag full of toys riding a sled as s This Christmas screen saver has Santa with a bag full of toys riding a sled as snow falls.
    There are messages that appear near the top that reads Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays....

    Happy Halloween iconHappy Halloween 92709   (Downloads: 228)
    This Halloween screen saver contains images such as a Witch, Ghost, Skeletons an This Halloween screen saver contains images such as a Witch, Ghost, Skeletons and more, some of them are animated.
    Screen saver also has some sound....

    Happy Birthday Boy iconHappy Birthday Boy 8910   (Downloads: 272)
    This screen saver has balloons, confetti and the message Happy Birthday floating This screen saver has balloons, confetti and the message Happy Birthday floating around with a background of Birthday cakes.
    The registered version plays music....

    Fast Cars iconFast Cars 101610   (Downloads: 256)
    This speedy little screen saver has race cars that race across your desktop as t This speedy little screen saver has race cars that race across your desktop as the sound of the engines roar....

    Happy Valentines Day iconHappy Valentines Day 011308   (Downloads: 222)
    This Valentines screen saver has floating hearts, shooting arrows, roses, candy This Valentines screen saver has floating hearts, shooting arrows, roses, candy hearts and cupids. The registered version plays music from two songs....

    Easter Card iconEaster Card 22008   (Downloads: 229)
    Easter eggs fill the background of this Easter screen saver. Easter eggs fill the background of this Easter screen saver.
    The card opens to a basket filled with eggs with a message that reads:
    Happy Easter. From our family to yours.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    Little Hearts iconLittle Hearts 011708   (Downloads: 233)
    This Valentine screen saver has colorful little hearts that float around your sc This Valentine screen saver has colorful little hearts that float around your screen.
    The registered version plays music from three songs....

    Leprechaun iconLeprechaun 21508   (Downloads: 226)
    This St. Patrick's Day screen saver has a Leprechaun walking across your screen This St. Patrick's Day screen saver has a Leprechaun walking across your screen as four leaf clovers float down.
    The message: Happy St. Patrick's Day, moves around your screen.
    The registered version plays music....

    Churches of Europe iconChurches of Europe 112908   (Downloads: 237)
    This screen saver rotates photos of Churches. This screen saver rotates photos of Churches.
    The Churches are located in Spain, England, France and Germany.
    The registered version plays music from two songs.
    The screen saver also allows you to use the images as your wallpaper....

    Turkey Hunt iconTurkey Hunt 0103   (Downloads: 238)
    In this animated Thanksgiving screen saver, the hunter is out trying to get a tu In this animated Thanksgiving screen saver, the hunter is out trying to get a turkey for dinner.
    The turkey tricks the hunter by hiding behind trees and chasing the hunter....

    New Year Countdown iconNew Year Countdown 122307   (Downloads: 207)
    A clock counts down to 12 pm. and ends with a message saying Happy New Year as f This New Year screen saver contains three parts.
    Part 1: A clock counts down to 12 pm. and ends with a message saying Happy New Year as fireworks go off.
    Part 2: 5 American Flags wave to the music of America the Beautiful.
    Part 3: Confetti falls as the message Happy New Year is displayed and changes colors, from red to blue, while Auld Lang Syne plays.
    The music will only play once the screen saver has been registered....

    January First iconJanuary First 122307   (Downloads: 219)
    In this New Year screen saver, wine glasses and champagne bottles fill the backg In this New Year screen saver, wine glasses and champagne bottles fill the background as the word January scrolls across your screen while snow flakes rotate around it, and there is a ribbon that reads First, that moves around your screen....

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