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    C: \ Network & Internet \ Ad Blockers \ ibSilent 1.1.0 \ Author

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    ibSilent 1.1.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: IE browsed flash adverts sound blocker. One click to make browsing sounds free... (more)

    Author Info for ibSilent 1.1.0

    Author/Company Name: MyAllMovies.com

    Country: Poland

    Web Site: http://www.myallmovies.com

    Programs listed: 2

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    MyAllMovies iconMyAllMovies 1.8.2   (Downloads: 804)
    DVD, DivX, HVS, VCD Catalog Software, gets all movie details from the internet MyAllMovies is a great movie manager, it can handle HD DVD's, DivX's, VCD's, DiVX files, Hi8 and VHS tapes. Adding new items is very effective because movie details, cast, awards, pictures, postres, trailers are grabbed from the web. It also does the same with actor's info. The result can be very handy sorted, searched, grouped, exported to HTML, printed and more. Finally questions like "have I already bought this title?" or "Who is holding my favori...

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