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    C: \ Business \ Calculators & Converters \ EnCalcGU 3.4 \ Author

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    EnCalcGU 3.4 - Author Info Page

    Description: EnCalcGU calculates the actual and predicted cost and CO2 of gas used.. (more)

    Author Info for EnCalcGU 3.4

    Author/Company Name: JSutils

    Country: United Kingdom

    Web Site: http://www.jsutils.com

    Programs listed: 13

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    EnCalcOU iconEnCalcOU 2.3   (Downloads: 208)
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    EnCalcL iconEnCalcL 4.2   (Downloads: 630)
    EnCalcL calculates the cost of purchasing and running water using appliances EnCalcL calculates the cost of purchasing and running water using appliances, allowing items to be compared under the same or different conditions, or the true cost of one item to be worked out simply. The results which can include annual inflation can be saved to a log file for later analysis. EnCalcL is part of the JSutils group of software utilities which have a theme of energy conservation. Variables such as water use, number of uses per day and investment cost ...

    EnCalcLU iconEnCalcLU 3.4   (Downloads: 612)
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    EnCalcE iconEnCalcE 5.2   (Downloads: 740)
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    Variables such as operating lif...

    CPUOff iconCPUOff 5.5   (Downloads: 301)
    CPUOff shuts down a computer if the CPU load is less than specified CPUOff monitors average CPU load and initiates computer shutdown if the CPU load has been below a specified percentage for a specified length of time. It can be started manually, on start up or automatically via the Windows Task Scheduler. The CPU load and many other parameters can be configured via the configuration screen. It can also be used to shutdown a remote computer. Shutdown has been configured to force all running applications to close. CPUOff is part of t...

    KeyOff iconKeyOff 2.5   (Downloads: 276)
    KeyOff shuts down a computer if no key or mouse activity KeyOff monitors keyboard and mouse and initiates computer shutdown if the there has been no key or mouse activity for a specified length of time. It can be started manually or automatically via the Windows Task Scheduler. The shutdown time and many other parameters can be configured via the configuration screen. It can also be used to shutdown a remote computer. Shutdown has been configured to force all running applications to close. KeyOff is part of the JSutil...

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