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    C: \ Development \ Components & Libraries \ Win32 Image Components SDK \ Author

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    Win32 Image Components SDK - Author Info Page

    Description: Image Components is an image editing, viewing and scanning suite... (more)

    Author Info for Win32 Image Components SDK

    Author/Company Name: Image Components

    Country: Portugal

    Web Site: http://www.imagecomponents.net

    Programs listed: 4

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    WPF Image Components is a comprehensive and affordable Imaging SDK. Image Components for WPF, is a comprehensive Windows Presentation Foundation Imaging SDK. It allows users to read and edit the most common image file types, and convert between them. It also allows image annotation, image capture by twain devices, OCR content by zone, selection or full page, read the most commun barcode types, image pages thumbnail display... This SDK is designed to help developers of Rich Desktop Applications, implement Imaging applications quickly...

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